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Star Wars and the Atari 2600

dr. kwack

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A few nights ago I was in a Target and decided to stroll thru the toy department. In the early to mid 90's I was collecting action figures but stopped once I got out of college.


My God, the new Star Wars line is amazing. The retro packaging on the new toys is very cool and I started to wonder...


Wouldn't it be cool if Parker Bros (or whoever owns them now) re-released the original four 2600 SW games (and maybe even Ewok Adventure) in retro style packaging (PB type box) as one of those TV Games plug and play devices?


I'd even take a CD ROM version for my PC!


I thought I heard that Jakks Pacific has a plug and play SW module coming out- anyone know anything about this?

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It won't happen. Too many people to pay.


You have to pay General Mills (who owned the rights to Star Wars at the time and released games through their Parker Bros division). Then you have to pay Atari for the rights to the arcade game. So now the cost of the unit doubles due to licensing fees (not to mention Lucas' EXTREMELY heavy cut of any SW item).


All this to get a $50 unit that plays four games. If someone wanted to go after the SW game market, why not use the NES or SNES games instead? Lucas would probably want to program the games in-house if he ever did approve such a project.

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I doubt you will see Parker Brothers re-release the game. I do remember that at one point they were selling the game for $5 and giving you a $5 rebate which made the game free. They just wanted to unload the stuff and hope that not too many people went through the trouble of requesting the rebate.

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i dont think PB was general mills co, wasnt that US games? or was it quaker oats? anyways a PB employee told me that the rights to the star wars license had long ago reverted to lucas. PB was absorbed by hasbro which in turn picked up atari and then spun off all its computer and games to infogrames, which is now called atari in the US...pretty confusing huh? either way its always been the same place out in beverly MA. , which offers us new englanders our only real hope of finding protos. so maybe in a way star wars the arcade game from atari is now under the same banner as the PB port, or did atari arcade games retain that? looking at my 32x version of star wars arcade theres narey a mention of atari on it, just lucasarts.


all and all i think if it can be worked out legally it should be done, ESB is easily one of the best loved 2600 titles.

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As an avid fan of both Star Wars and Atari, I think this would be great. However, we all know it most likely not occur. A lot of this new stuff you are seeing in the stores is gearing towards the September release of the Star Wars Trilogy on DVD. A large amount of the figures are actually just repackaged in this new style. A ploy regularly used by Hasbro to get more cash. If this indeed was considered, it would have been set to be released around this time. . . to cash in on the "hand held" (I'm not sure what you'd call them) hype, and release of the DVD's. Honestly, I'd rather them put out something like this than some of the other crap they've decided to rerelease. But. . . that's an argument for the Star Wars forums. . . :D I think it would be a great little item (especially if Ewok Adventure was involved!!!), but I wouldn't get my hopes up.


BTW. . . I wish I didn't have to work so much to pay for those nice new figures!!!!!! It's severely taken away from my time on these boards!!! :x

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Jakk's Pacific is indeed making a Star Wars unit. See for yourself:




There's not a lot of information at this point about what games the unit will include, but we'll all know by the time it's released.


Well. . . I need to change my pants. :D

If it is anything like we're hoping for. . . I'll be super-psyched!!!!!! :D

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General Mills bought the rights to all Star Wars toy licenses back in 1977. Unfortuantely, this meant that there could be no Star Wars video games either. Finally, GM's Parker Brothers division got into the game biz and of course their first release was a Star Wars game.


While GM no longer has any rights to the series, they still own the toys which they produced. You couldn't release those old 2600 games without paying them.


Just watch, not that these all-in-one units are becoming more popular we're gonna see the end of 2600 translations. We'll be jumping straight to the 16-bit era soon enough.

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I guess I'm just thinking in the terms that these toys are all marketed for those of us in our 20's to 30's.


I mean lets face it, most of the toys out there are no longer geared to little kids. Most are for young adults who were there the first time around or for the BS "retro crowd" of late teens.


Still, you never know what may pop up. Didn't Star Wars the Arcade game get re-released on a LucasArts game for X-Box or Nintendo not too long ago? I remember seeing it being played at a Babbages store somewhere...

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Aside from star wars arcade (which imho could be mostly fixed with at least proper flight controls, I just cant get my brain to go into up is up mode in those type of games,) I think all the 2600 star wars games are great games. Even star wars arcade is impressive, if just from a technical standpoint.

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A few nights ago I was in a Target and decided to stroll thru the toy department. In the early to mid 90's I was collecting action figures but stopped once I got out of college.  


My God, the new Star Wars line is amazing. The retro packaging on the new toys is very cool and I started to wonder...


I'm just glad they stopped making the ones I like to call the Steroid Wars line. There was one Han Solo figure that I swear his shoulders were literally twice as wide as his hips. I believe there were also Luke and Darth Vader figures with similarly warped dimensions.

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