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What new TV games would you like to see?

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With the recent popularity of the TV Games systems (self contained games in a joystick) recently. I was wondering if anybody had any thoughts as to what kind of model they would like to see in the future.


Personally, I would love to see a track-ball edition. I would like it to have the option to plug 3 additional trackballs into the unit for some great multiplayer madness. I would love it to have the old atari arcade games football, basketball, soccer, and baseball for all the sports fans and possibly have some newer titles like quantum, marble madness 1 & 2, and rampart. I'm sure I'm missing some great games, so feel free to add your own trackball games to this list.



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It's sort of interesting, We got away from the stand alone consoles witht eh advent of the Fairchild Channel F, and now we seem to be going back to that direction. Given, not for any form of serious graphics or anything, but still! There is a huge amount of money being spent everyday by consumers who buy these little dudes!



I think a track ball version would be pretty awsome! Crystal Castles, and Missile Command all the way!!!!!!!!!

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A lot of people on these boards bash those little joystick games, but I for one think they're a great idea. They let a whole new generation of kids enjoy what TRUE gaming was all about, and without having to buy a whole new console to do so. Just plunk down a 20 and get some batteries and you're good to go. I don't own any (as I've got most of the games they have on those things for my consoles anyway), but I still think they're cool.

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I can't believe no one's thunk of a trackball one before. Man oh man, that WOULD be sweet. Centipede, Millipede, Marble Madness (and 2, maybe?), Rampart, Missile Command, Crystal Castles, Atari Football... hell, I might buy that. You could also include games like Tempest and Super Breakout which actually play pretty well with a trackball.

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I think it would be really cool if these joystick offered the option to get another joystick/ paddle/ trackball to plug into the unit for multiplayer madness.  I think that alot of these games shine as multiplayer contests.  Maybe somebody from Jakks Pacific reads these forums?




IIRC, these use the NES-on-a-Chip design, and they simply had to re-program all of the games they have to cope with the new system. either that, or they emulate, and there is enough power to do so. anyways, I'm not sure if there is enough brains in these little guys to do something as cool as that!


although, it would be very cool if they did!


have a DB9 "link" port on both machines, and buy a "link" cable to hook the two up.


what would be awsome is if you could hook the two up, and then use that to do screen spanning! have two TVs together making one really wide surface, allowing you to have more game play area! imagine what combat would be like!


or pitfall! would be like if you got to see twice the stuff in front of, and behind you at one time!

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Im not sure about games but I want to see more of what the Tetris TV game does, plug each into one another for two player mode.


Except the Tetris controllers are so damn hard to use, it's pointless. If you want a two player game you're better off buying two old brick Gameboys for $5 each, two copies of original GB Tetris for $5 each, and for $20 you've spent just as much money and gotten a much more satisfying head to head experience that's portable.

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I'd like to see a new Atari home console.



But with a twist!



I want it to me minirturized, and I want it to play 15 2600 games, and 5 7800 games!



Oh, and I really liked the way the 7800's controlles gave my hands cramps, so I'd love to see it come with those!



oh, and one last thing, I want it to be twice as expensive as anything from Jakks Pacific.

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I'd kill for an Arcade perfect version on the GBA. None of that Old and New crap with the scrolling. I don't care if the screen is squished if I can play BB on the go without scrolling. The one on the PSX and Saturn is what I'm talking about. THAT is as close as I can get without owning a cabinet. Now shrink it down onto the GBA (Dump the Rainbow Island if you want. I don't play it.) and I will gladly pay even $30 for it alone.

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