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Several weeks ago I asked for information about a white Sear's Atari that was listed on eBay. Here's the link for the completed auction:




It went for the absurd price of $495--which is very high considering that many people on AA though it was a fake. I've checked the completed auction a few times to see if the seller left feedback for the buyer or vice versa and no feedback has ever been left either way. Today I checked the seller's other auctions and I came across this one:




In this auction he's selling some broken toaster style Nintendos but there's two that are painted--one black and one white. I think these were either practice for the Atari, or he was also thinking about doing the same thing with a Nintendo. Thieving scumbag! The seller is

pinheadkid. I would put him on your blackball list!

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The NES on the bottom right looks to be the same goofy paint job as he used on the Atari.


Unless that is one of those NES systems from the same "contest" the atari was won in.


Nice job catching him. Your like the Encyclopedia Brown of AtariAge. :D

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It looks like crap to me, you could see it was sprayed. Who ever was ready to part with $500 without doing some background reading is an idiot.


I'd like to see someone remould a 2600 case with clear iMac style plastic (like those iTari hoax pictures). I got a great repro case for a dirty old Dreamcast, got offical green VMU and Jap controller too, and now it looks like the Shiz Niz.

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If he did paint it, thats quite an impressive paint job! Looks genuine.


Krylon Fusion bonds with plastic at a molecular level and dries smooth enough that you can't tell the difference unless you look very closely.


If anyone's interested, my special Pink prototype system is still available. I also have SQ LSD World that I'll throw in for free. :)


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Who ever was ready to part with $500 without doing some background reading is an idiot.



idiots eh? maybe I should get into painting 2600's and selling them on ebay!!!!!!


I'd do coustom paint jobs!


like a Pitfall! motif, or Pac-Man or something like that!



Racing Stripes for Pole Position!

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remeber those cars way back when,that would change colors when you put them under hot water?



Well, I should paint a 2600 with that! and then while your laying it, you run it under some hot water and watch the color change on the system, and the colors get weird on the screen too!!!!!

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