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Leisure Suit Larry


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So, who here is a fan of the Leisure Suit Larry series? I thought that the games were fun, not only because they were graphic adventure games (a dead genre these days) but also because of their adult nature. I remember reading about the outcry over these games simply because they were "adult" computer games. Much like comics and animation, video and computer games are still viewed as a juvenile only medium and this fires up the "children will be corrupted" people. That was part of the appeal to me. I felt like a rebel playing these games.


The offbeat sense of humor was a good touch too. I've only played the first three Larry games in the series (both the original and remake of the original game, Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards).

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So are you guys getting the new LSL Magna Cum Laude? It is coming out next month for X-Box, PS2, and PC! Pre-orders through ebgames will get a bonus (see below). I have already placed my X-Box pre-order!


Pre-order and receive a bonus DVD. DVD Includes: Exclusive Overview of the game content, Biographical Information for the In-Game Characters, Exclusive Uncensored Wallpapers, Top 10 Best Pick-up Lines to get lucky with!, Top 10 Worst Pick-up Lines to get slapped with!, And Much More! Bonus item will ship with purchased product, and is only available while supplies last. If you choose In-Store Pickup for this game, please contact the store for bonus item availability.

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I'm not excited about the new Larry at all, wanna know why? Because it aint Larry. And Larry isn't supposed to be about a young guy, its funny because he's a middle aged guido wannabe virgin loser, thats why it was funny. They even said in Gameinformer, that this is aimed at the NEWER audience that thinks American Pie is the greatest comedy ever. Gimme old Larry

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American Pie = stupiest pile of crap to ever crud up the movie screen.


I love ANY old Sierra games like that. LSL and Space Quest rank as the top two, of course. I love the old Larry games. And I agree that the new one will probably suck. I want my blue polyester wearin', bad pick up line flingin', just shy of a combover 40 something Larry dammit! Not some young guy with an actual CHANCE of getting lucky!

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I liked the original LSL games. I enjoyed #6 (Shape Up or Slip Out) the best myself.


Not very impressed with LSL:MCL for Xbox. It's not an adventure game anymore. It's just a couple of stupid mini games between scenes. Mini games that require you to focus your attention at specific areas of the screen so you can't even actually WATCH the scene.


I got as far as getting Larry the twiggy costume and banged the psychotic marching band chick. Then I stopped playing because it's just so f'in stupid & badly done. There are some parts of it that were funny, but not enought to justify the game on the whole.


While we're on the subject: The Guy Game is lame too. Same questions every time and teasing boob shots.


About the only people I can see honestly enjoying these will be the kids, teenager and nerdy frats who arn't getting any yet.


I say bring back the classic in their classic adult games. The classic Larrys, and the "Sex Games" series. At least those were fun.

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I love all the Larry games, (even after I beat them). I just got the Leisure Suit Larry collection (1-6) and Love for sail (7), and will probably play through them agian. When I first tried them, I was hooked. Here is the thread I started then:




As for the new larry game... I dont know. I will probably get it, because I love Larry games.

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they were graphic adventure games (a dead genre these days)


Amen. How many FPS shooters and MMORPGs can a person handle? The days of the stand-alone adventure is, indeed, dead and buried.


LSL (in the Land of the Lounge Lizards) was the reason that I got an Amiga 500, back in the day. Sierra's adventure games were well ahead of their time, and shall always remain near and dear to my heart.



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Still have LSL-itLotLL original in box for the the Apple ][.


I still plug that one (copy) in from time to time. Up there with Hitchhiker's as some of the funniest games ever!!!


Have to admit tho, I stopped playing the series around 3 I think. (Was that the one with Passionate Patty?) Great games, I just sort of lost interest after that...


I think the Ultima games are the only ones that held my interest for a series, thru V at least.. (Starting at II though.. Hmmm.. that's only 1 more than where I gave up with LSL. Guess I just have a short attention... Oooohh Donuts....

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From a guy who is single and probably will be till hes dead , i thought the guy game sucked. not even the tease of boobs made it ok. it was just dumb.


LSL i have hope might be good. or at least better than the guy game. i would like to try the earlier ones but i dont see that happening. so ill just have to go on however this game is.


The Playboy mantion game i think will have the most class than the other 2. play boy has so much respect for their women i cant see how this game would ever suck. at least for as it being tasteful. might be lame but i dont think they would release something that was lame.


i dont care how these turn out cuase come Nov. 9th they are gonna be put aside for HALO 2. end of transmission

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