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Old School Text Adventure


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I'd completely forgotten about this little game I'd made until I was cleaning out my hard drive the other day. I just tried it out in XP and it ran fine in a DOS window. Enjoy.

Heh, kind of amusing. Easy to chart out.


That's a whole lot of "small clearings"...and the compass ain't that useful. Clothes would've been nicer...I feel kind of weird being naked just wearing a watch and holding a compass...


and what's a "corn maze"? Maybe it could be a Maize Maze instead...


What did you write it in? It reminded me of this one "write your own text adventure" book back in the day, though I think that one had gave you a slightly more sophisticated parser...(stupid geek note: you can keep 't'aking the items over and over and get screens full of old watches etc )


Anyway, it's neat when you can dig up some stuff like this. All the stuff from my youth has probably bit-rotted off of old Atari 800XL and C=64 floppies alas...now I'm a lot more careful with my digital history.

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I remember I was playing around with some BASIC compiler I downloaded and I just kind of banged this game out. I was trying to make fun of text adventures but still make something that had at least some play value. I even wrote a little fake history for it.


Escape from Mordecai Stinksocket's Corn Maze

Designed and Programmed by Ric Pryor

Originally released July 1983


Escape from Mordecai Stinksocket's Corn Maze was Ric Pryor's follow-up to Escape from the Butt Vampire. More successful than its predecessor, Corn Maze was nominated for a Typie, the award given annually to the best text adventure that is not part of the Zork series.


You awake to find yourself lying face down in the dirt. You are not wearing any clothes. Sitting up and taking a look around, you realize you are in a corn maze. That might not be so bad, normally you have to pay some guy with no teeth five dollars to get into a corn maze, but it's harvest time.


In the distance, you can hear the engine of Mordecai Stincksocket's combine start.


As with the other Ric Pryor text adventures, gamplay is easy to master. Some might call it limited, but we call it easy to master.


Anyway, a corn maze is a midwestern thing. Every year around Halloween, a few farmers basically mow a maze in their field and charge kids to run through it.

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