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Alien and Predator Action Figures FS


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Hiya I'm selling a bunch Of Alien and Predator action figures from the early 90's when the comic books were first getting poular. If anyone's interested then I'll post a pic of the whole lot. I'd prefer to sell them as a whole lot but I'll go either way. But as an insentive to sell them all together I'll throw in a copy of Alien VS Predator on DVD I picked up in NYC. The quality is not prime but still watchable. Let me know.



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Ha ha, judging by your avatar I can tell. I'm a huge fan too but unfortunaely i'm short on cash so i have to let them go. At any rate I'll post up a price in a sec let me just get everything all together. BTW I was thinking of selling my Alien VS Predator, Predator, Alien, Batman VS Predator, Superman VS Aliens comic collection too but not completely positive. Anyway let me get u a price on the other stuff first. I'll post it up momentarily.

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Well, I'm not completely opposed to trades but do you have anything else to offer? Cause if u have something I might be interested in then I could considering including the comic collection in the lot. Btw I have 3 predator figures a queen alien looks like one of the 80's queen aliens and a mid ninties alien als somewhere i have a baby alien ya know the chestbursters, and then of course the DVD. So if you have something else to trade we could work something out or I could just include as much as 20 bucks will take you as you suggested earlier.

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I have the following I could trade in

Kasumi Ninja(jaguar)

Brutal Sports Football(Jaguar)

5 saturn games (some includes original cases and instructions but all with

include a case)

That GBA system (very nice few problems like I said but very good)

hmm thats all I could think of what stuff are you interested in?

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Well I owned a GBA and sold it so I'm not really looking for one of those. But I am interested in Jaguar, Saturn, and PS2 games. I noticed the two Jaguar games but what Saturn games do ya have? Also outside of video games I'm looking for Super 8 or 16mm related stuff, I'm also a movie buff any DVDs?

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Splinter Cell (complete)

The Suffering (complete very fun)



BlackFire (Case+Inst)

PTO2 (Inst will include a case)

Astal (inst will include a case)

Nba Action 98 (inst will include a case)

Virtua Fighter (case)

Alone In The Dark 2 (complete and played only 3 times)


plus 20 bucks I really want to build up my AVP collection (love AVP so much even liked the movie)

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Already have that one, she is a cutie. :love:


My Alien can kick your Alien's ass! and then it will steal all your Hus! :twisted:


Highly doubtful the queen is the biggest badass out there (except the king alien though doesnt exist in the films) acid for blood and can survive almost any where come on. Even though im 90% sure you are kidding but thats a lovely alien but Xenomorph aliens always win in my book :)

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Ok xenomorpher here's the complete list:


3 Predators All different

The Silver Queen Alien (The exact one that's pictured cuurtisey of

Another Alien which was not in any of the films judging from the look possibly from the comics






Super VS Aliens Book 2 (don't know how many books in this series)

All books of all three series of Batman VS Predator (May consider to let go)

Aliens: Mondo Pest Single Book Series

Aliens VS Predator VS Terminator Books 1-3 in a four book series(I never had the fourth one)

Aliens #3 (Yes the third issue of the first Aliens Comic series from the eighties)

Predator #2 (Second issue of the first Predator Comic series from the eighties it even continues from the story of the first film

Aliens Havoc Books 1 and 2 in a two part series

Alien3 comic adaptation of the film book 2 in a 3 part series

Aliens VS Predtor (reissue of the the original) book 1 in a 6 book series

Predator: Bad Blood Books 1-4 in a 4 book series

AVP annual (This is a special compilation of short AVP stories that comes out every year 48 pages long 1999 issue)

AVP: War books 1 and 3 in a 4 part series

AVP: Duel book 2 in a 2 part series

Predator: Nemesis book 2 in a 2 part series

All the comics are in great shape too

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Ok if I traded all the stuff I listed (excluding the Jag games I listed since I admit they are crap) and 20 bucks how much more in money would I have to give to own that nice (very nice) collection? And I forgot about shipping. Poop because I could squeeze about 20 more dollars for everything (including shipping )and thats about it. If that doesnt cover everything how much could I get?


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Ok, how about this because the two things in trade i'd be interested in is splinter cell and alone in the dark. besides those trades which i figure out later and I don't wanna leave you broke how about i sell you parts of the lot bit by bit. like you 20 bucks worth now. then next time you buy a bit more and so on sort of like installments except not sending the lot all at once after it's paid in full. you can just pay like 20 or so bucks worth each time. sound good?

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