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My first 2600 rarity 9


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I heading back to work from the dentist this afternoon and decided I'd stop by the local Goodwill since I told the office I wouldn't be back until about 3 and I was running about 20min early. Normally I see 2600 stuff about 6-8 times a year and normally only stuff I need or want about 3 times a year. When I went in I walked over to where they keep their games mixed in w/ the CDs and glanced in the front case and saw a Tooth Protectors. It was in fairly good shape, the label was completely intact although a little wavy. Antiplaque appears to just be starting on it but the label still looks clean & clear. I figured it wasn't good news that it was in the case but I had to ask the price. They had it marked for $90.00 and stated that "it's currently going for $150 on eBay" :roll: . I didn't pick it up at that time but went back to the office and thought about it until work was over. While thinking I remembered that I still had 2 $10 customer appreciation certificates so I decided I go and get it. I figured it would probably be gone by the time I got there but it was still there. With tax it came out to $96.00, but w/ the certificates brought it down to $76.00 and I recieved another certificate for buying it so if I count that one it cost me $66.00 total (still the most I've paid for any 2600 game). Not as good as if it had been $2.00 like all the other games but I think I got a fair deal and my Spy Hunter is no longer my rarest 2600 game :)


Sry for rambling but I'm still fairly pumped and had to tell someone that might understand (my wife thinks I'm nuts :D )

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That's not exactly thrift store prices, but it seems to be the way these places are going with auction sites like shopgoodwill & I know the Salvation Armies around here even have started with their own in house auctions as well. One newer SA near me has a smaller room in one corner of store, with antiques & what nots that are offered for auction. But still these are charitable organizations, I know SA still is, Goodwill is mostly about helping people get jobs so what if it's only sorting peoples' trash & running cashregisters.. Still better than paying a sumguy via ebay. :ponder:


From the ebay auctions I've seen, I think you did fairly well. If you had won an ebay auction for $76 you'd be bragging in the auctionplace forums :D


Cool fine, even if it was a bit pricey!


Oh yeah if you'd like to sell I'll give ya $100 for it right now, you'd be making money, so it wouldn't of cost you a dime. ;)

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Woops... I started reading the thread and totally forgot that it was in classic gaming.  


btw why is Ed a mod when he is never around?


What did you say, son?


If you were Stan, I'd kick your ass.


Gee, I stand corrected (once again) And you must really like Stan...


and btw, I will be at Philly 6. I hope I don't see you there now :P J/K

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Sry couldn't reply yesterday.


The irony of this does not escape me.

It did me at the time. I guess the next time I go out for dog food I'll have to stop there also :D .


Oh yeah if you'd like to sell I'll give ya $100 for it right now, you'd be making money, so it wouldn't of cost you a dime.

Nope it's mine, all MINE. thanks for offering to take it off my hands though.


You gotta love it when a place called GOODWILL sells a freakin' Atari game for almost a hundred bucks that 5 years ago they would have sold for a quarter.

The goodwill by me is very inconsistent w/ their prices. The other day they had a PS1 w/ 1 controller & power supply for $40.00. I could go buy a new one for $29 :ponder: other times they've had them for $15. They also had a TI 99/4a w/ nothing else for $20. Whenever you ask any more they give the great quote "That's about what it's going for on eBay". Hate to tell them this but they're not eBay. They have no where near the same custormer base and I can't imagine either of those systems going for that much on ebay, maybe on shopgoodwill.com whose prices are way out of wack w/ reality. I have yet to see a good deal on there.

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I'm heading out to a "new" Goodwill tomorrow.... So far, I've never been to a Goodwill or Salvation Army store that charged ebay prices. It's usually the standalone junk/pawn shops that do that. I know they have to make their money somehow, but it's still a crying shame to find you can't even get a break at what is essentially a constant garage sale.

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