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ET Holes


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When E.T. has fallen into a well, you can move him upwards and out so long as the levitation symbol (an underlined upward arrow) appears in the power zone indicator at the top of the screen. In almost every well the levitation zone extends throughout the entire width of the well's bottom. (The exception is the well containing the flower: a different power zone immediately surrounds the flower. Flower power!) You don't even have to wait for E.T. to fall all the way to the bottom; you activate his levitation power in mid-drop.


Possibly the problem facing the naysayers is that they don't know how to keep E.T. from immediately falling back into the well once he's levitated back to ground level. Continuing to push the joystick up is a mistake, and so is immediately releasing the stick; instead, the player should push the stick down or to the side as soon as the well interior screen is replaced by a ground-level screen.

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Originally posted by The Night Phantom:

Possibly the problem facing the naysayers is that they don't know how to keep E.T. from immediately falling back into the well once he's levitated back to ground level. Continuing to push the joystick up is a mistake, and so is immediately releasing the stick; instead, the player should push the stick down or to the side as soon as the well interior screen is replaced by a ground-level screen.


I've always thought this was the biggest mistake the programmers ever made. There's no reason at all for the game to play like this, and it just causes frustration. Frustration isn't necessarily bad, but it sucks in this case because it's not the game that's hard, it's just a stupid part of the game that you have to get used to. Once you get used to it, it's not hard... but lots of people probably fall in twice and say "Screw this", and put Asteroids back in or something.



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After reading thru the posts here I was relived to see this wasn't a thread for Alien Porn like I first thought when I read the title. And yes AtariGamer your the only one in the world who can get out of the holes...Thats why everyone hates the game so much!!!

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Gimme a break. It's EASY to get out of the holes and anyone who's played the game somewhat in depth easily be able to do it. Just friggin push left or right as soon as you get out of the hole and you'll clear it fine.


I could never understand all the "it's impossible to get out of the holes in E.T." posts. I mean, I guess I remember it being somewhat befuddling at first (I was probably 13). But it's not that hard to figure out if you play it for more than 5 minutes


up == bad

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Ummm Oh so you have to move to the left or the right you say? Jeeze and for the past 18 years I thought my cartridge was messed up.


Seriously tho, Its not as bad of a game as everyone says. Read the manual. Get used to pushing in any direction other than up to get out of the holes (Down included)

And when you finally do get the ship to come pick you up. Raise your head so your feet stick out the bottom and move the joystick left and right so it looks like your spaz'in out.

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This is one of the things that really frustrates about ET. I think the reason everybody hates it so much is that we really want to play it - its very nearly a brilliant game, but just one or two things make it almost totally unplayable.

Real shame, there'd be a good idea for a new cart. Finish ET and make it good

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