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British Games?


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Hey, Sir Clive had it good back in the day. Sinclair Research was kinda like Atari was in the US -- complete with a few duds along the way. (C4? QL? :-))


Not that I'm knocking the QL -- it was cool, but the OS was bizarre.


No doubt though, the Speccy 0wned all in merry old England.

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As for 2600 games made by UK companies: In the early 1990s Salu Ltd released some games in Europe. I think they were from the UK. I'm not sure if any of their games were actually programmed in Britain though.


Salu's Acid Drop was definaetly programmed in the UK.

Several years ago I had brief email contact with one of the guys who worked on some of the artwork for the game.


Hint: The Programmer and Artists are credited on the Acid Drop box which will help with tracking them down.

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Well I was going to say My Golf by HES, but it turns out they're not British. I guess I always assumed they were because they distributed so many Llamasoft games.


However, I did discover that even though My Golf is in AtariAge's database, searching for it yields no hits, either on "My Golf" or listing all games by HES. I only found the AtariAge page through Google.

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Acid Drop and Pick'n'Pile were both programmed by Dennis Kiss. I suppose they were both programmed in the UK then? Or were only the graphics artists for Acid Drop from the UK?


My Golf is a PAL only game. To find it in the AtariAge data base, you have to set the region to "All" in the search dialog. It defaults to finding North American releases only, because it was voted to be that way by AtariAge users in the early days. But as it seems the results of that poll have changed in favour of showing all results over time. Maybe the default region setting in the search feature should be changed to avoid confusions like this in the future.



Ciao, Eckhard Stolberg

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Well I never,  

any homebrews?


There are many homebrew authors in Europe (Thomas Jentzsch, Manuel Rotcshkar, Piero Cavina, Simon Quernhorst, and Fabrizio Zavagli) but I don't know of any in the UK off the top of my head.




Alex Herbert is from the UK. And his uncompleted game Man Goes Down is incredibly addictive.

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