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Double Dragon Guide Online

Cousin Vinnie

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For those of you who enjoyed John K Harvey's information, he allowed me to make a guide of his info and it is now online. I have added a few opinions/ hints about the game for your enjoyment as well. Thanks to Mitch for use of 3 pics, and Activision for making a pretty darn good port.


Double Dragon Guide- http://www.bigfishusa.com/7800/doubledragondc.html


More Cousin Vinnie Guides:

Karateka- http://www.bigfishusa.com/7800/kc.html

Alien Brigade- http://www.bigfishusa.com/7800/abc.html


Cousin Vinnie


On the Horizon:


Fatal Run

Midnight Mutants

Scrapyard Dog

Planet Smashers

Tower Toppler

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I like what you've done with your site.


For your Karateka site: any possibility for a screenshot of Akuma, or of the end? Even if these are considered "spoilers", then perhaps a link set up like "click here to see the end screen" would prevent it from immediately spoiling the ending.


I've gotten to "Olive Oil" myself, and had the crap kicked out of me by the parrot/flying winged bat of death.


With Choplifter 7800-- if you get all 64 people, do you get a better ending than if you just kill 63 of the hostages and take one home?

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To answer your question regarding Choplifter!, if I recall correctly, it flashed the word "CONGRATULATIONS" on the screen a few times. I did rescue all 64 hostages on more than one occasion, but the last time I did it was several years ago.

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