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Joust Pong?


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I gotta get moving on that. I've already enlisted the help of a temporarily Macless liveinabin to construct a new logo based on the name FlapPing.

Hey, I like that name! :)

Yeah, I'll try to make sure you get credit for it.


Assuming English isn't your first language you have a good mind for English wordplay...maybe it's how German is kind of a big Lego set of word construction :-)

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Yeah, I'll try to make sure you get credit for it.

Nah! Maybe eventually someone finds out, that it is copyrighted too and then I get all the blame. :)


Assuming English isn't your first language you have a good mind for English wordplay...maybe it's how German is kind of a big Lego set of word construction :-)

Hm, never thought about my mother language that way, but I think you are right.


BTW: Do you speak German? Or how do you know?

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Assuming English isn't your first language you have a good mind for English wordplay...maybe it's how German is kind of a big Lego set of word construction :-)

Hm, never thought about my mother language that way, but I think you are right.


BTW: Do you speak German? Or how do you know?




I don't speak German...but I had a German girlfriend in high school, the lovely Veronika who was a foreign exchange student, and I've visited her a few times in Germany.


So I've seen a little German here and there. Like when I was getting ready for the visit, I was looking at this FAQ on German Visas -- I felt a little sad I had no need for a Verpflichtungserklärung, an official affidavit of support from friends or relatives.


Also, among somewhat cultured people here (sophmoric I guess you'd say) people know about German on a higher level: one great quote:


"The Germans have done for consonants what the Hawaiians have done for vowels."  

--Guitarist Leo Kottke introducing his song tentaively titled "Gewerbegebiet" ("Trade Area", according to Google's Language Tools)


Though I guess you have to know about Hawaiian placenames and stuff to get that.


So besides the consonants and the big words, somewhere I've also heard about how you have the option of piling all these words at the end of a sentence...almost like recusion...stories of how a professor goes on and on with this huge sentence, and then you have to figure out what verb goes to what noun at the very end.


Another joke I like:

Four linguists were sharing a compartment on a train on their way to an international conference on sound symbolism. One was English, one Spanish, one French and the fourth German. They got into a discussion on whose language was the most eloquent and euphonious.


The English linguist said: "Why, English is the most eloquent language. Take for instance the word "butterfly". Butterfly, butterfly... doesn't that word so beautifully express the way this delicate insect flies. It's like flutter-by, flutter-by."


"Oh, no!" said the Spanish linguist, "the word for "butterfly" in Spanish is "maripose". Now, this word expresses so beautifully the vibrant colours on the butterfly's wings. What could be a more apt name for such a brilliant creature? Spanish is the most eloquent language!"


"Papillon!" says the French linguist, "papillon! This word expresses the fragility of the butterfly's wings and body. This is the most fitting name for such a delicate and ethereal insect. French is the most eloquent language!"


At this the German linguist stands up, and demands: "Und vot is rongk mit 'SCHMETTERLING'?"


Finally, we love fake German...one of my favorite bits of fake German is this bit of Internet lab lore:


Das computermachine ist nicht fur gefingerpoken und mittengrabben.  

Ist easy schnappen der springenwerk, blowenfusen und poppencorken  

mit spitzensparken.  Ist nicht fur gewerken bei das dumpkopfen.  

Das rubbernecken sichtseeren keepen hans in das pockets muss;  

relaxen und watch das blinkenlichten.  

Actually, that passage REALLY makes me wonder what "fake English" looks or sounds like in other countries....


So, for being a guy who is terribly, TERRIBLY monolingual, I try to understand a little about other languages, even if I can't speak anything but English worth a damn.

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I've seen this cart as a little graphic scattered all over this site.  But I can't seem to find the game for sale anywhere.  What's going on with this title?  Does it even exist?  Is it sold out?

heheh...I just realied "this cart as a little graphic scattered all over this site" is refering to my avatar graphic :-)

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  • 4 months later...

Hi there!


That is awesome artwork!  :D
Dave "liveinabin" Exton gets the credit for putting together the new label and manual, he did a great job on them. :)


Excellent job, indeed. Dave is my personal hero - Opening the mails with his artwork are always the most most thrilling moments of the whole development process of my games :love:




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The huge company that owns Thrust is British Telecom. I doubt they care, or are even aware that they used to market videogames :)


Oh, thanks for the very kind words about the artwork everybody. It was a bit of a risky design, very minimal and nothing like you'd traditionally get on a 2600 cart. Nice to know it's well received, thanks :D

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