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High Score Club Week 28: Space Treat Deluxe


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Important note: This weeks competition is over. If you still wish to discuss this game, then feel free to do so, but no further scores will be accepted. Thanks to everyone for all their contributions! Please join in on the latest High Score Club competition!


Boy! Space sure is a busy place! Even picking fruit becomes a chore, due to all the traffic! There's some tasty looking fruit just over there, but you'll have to cross a busy space highway in order to get at it and bring it back to your home base, because this weeks game is Space Treat Deluxe!


Game Information
Left Difficulty Not Applicable
Right Difficulty Not Applicable
Game Mode Not Applicable
Chosen By sku_u


Post your scores right here in this thread, and I will add them to the list. Remember to play the game with the recommended game mode and difficulty settings as shown above so that your scores will be consistent with everyone elses. The deadline for posting scores will be approximately Sunday, October 24th at midnight (CST). In case you haven't already done so, please read the High Score Club rules. There is other useful information contained in that previous link, including a list of previous High Score Club games!


In case you don't have the ROM for this game, it can be found at the AtariAge Profile Page for this game. You can also find such things as a typed copy of the manual, reviews, screenshots, and other information there. Alternatively, since this game is a homebrew release, you may want to consider purchasing it from the AtariAge store for the low, low price of $20. You can rest easy knowing that you'll be supporting the homebrew community, and getting an enjoyable game in the process!


If you are not a member of the High Score Club, but would like to be, then all you have to do is post a reply saying so, and I'll add you to the list!


Next week's game will be chosen by gamerz! Please send me a Private Message letting me know which game (and difficulty settings) you've chosen as soon as possible gamerz!


High Scores:

  • [*]silverfuji.gif47,630 (bobafett07728)
[*]bronzefuji.gif43,540 (Malc74) [+8]
[*]41,760 (keilbaca) [+7]
[*]36,370 (sku_u) [+6]
[*]26,570 (Ze_ro) [+5]
[*]22,210 (Blackjack) [+4]
[*]15,140 (Kurushimi) [+3]
[*]13,820 (LarcenTyler) [+2]
[*]13,460 (Scooterb23) [+1]
[*]11,830 (Robert M)
[*]8880 (khryssun)
[*]4660 (Gamemaster_ca_2003)
[*]2900 (Dan Iacovelli)
  • :

Best Tips:

Score Statistics
  • Average Score: 25,243
    [*]Std. Deviation: 4993
    [*]Total Score: 353,400


Current Standings
[*]the 5th ghost [193]
[*]Jeffy Arensmeyer [167]
[*]keilbaca [120]
[*]sku_u [105]
[*]Ze_ro [94]
[*]jedijeff [80]
[*]Malc74 [63]
[*]Fellow Atari Man [52]
[*]Stingray [48]
[*]Chris++ [44]
[*]Keir [43]
[*]Saldo [39]
[*]tin [35]
[*]Shannon [32]
[*]bobafett07728 [27]
[*]Goochman [25]
[*]khryssun [25]
[*]KaeruYojimbo [24]
[*]bjk7382 [24]
[*]stayrunner [24]
[*]cuteycat2 [23]
[*]Robert M [23]
[*]NintendoDieScreaming [23]
[*]taxman [23]
[*]gospeedde [20]
[*]crsdawg [20]
[*]Numan [19]
[*]homerwannabee [17]
[*]The 8th Passenger [17]
[*]Tsukasa [15]
[*]HermChase [13]
[*]elviticus [13]
[*]kemsted [13]
[*]NovaXpress [12]
[*]Kurushimi [12]
[*]Christophero Sly [12]
[*]Thomas Jentzsch [9]
[*]LarcenTyler [7]
[*]dykesr [7]
[*]mikeftrevino [7]
[*]NE146 [7]
[*]EricDeLee [6]
[*]Paul Slocum [6]
[*]StanJr [5]
[*]video game addict [5]
[*]DeV0 [4]
[*]therealred5 [4]
[*]128bytes [3]
[*]BlackAtarian [3]
[*]maibock [2]
[*]Sora [2]
[*]FireTiger [2]
[*]chrisbid [1]
[*]vb_master [1]
[*]InanimateCarbonRod [0]
[*]Kepone [0]
[*]shining slade [0]
[*]Saikyo [0]
[*]Dan Iacovelli [0]
[*]Scooterb23 [0]
[*]Gamemaster_ca_2003 [0]
[*]moycon [0]
[*]gamerz [0]
[*]LU8 [0]
[*]fsuinnc [0]
[*]iguana [0]
[*]Luigi301 [0]
[*]davepesc [0]
[*]Albert [0]
[*]pmpddytim [0]
[*]karnov [0]
[*]pitfallaimee [0]
[*]Happy_Dude [0]
[*]Kialan [0]
[*]xmetalhedx [0]
[*]Gateway [0]
[*]Adrian M [0]
[*]intvgene [0]
[*]ScottHuggins [0]
[*]jeepnut24 [0]
[*]figgler [0]
[*]sabeen557 [0]
[*]Old_Atarian [0]
[*]hobbles [0]
[*]liquid_sky [0]
[*]RadioFSoftware [0]
[*]Spirantho [0]
[*]johnnywc [0]
[*]AcidTone [0]
[*]chadtower [0]
[*]PaulEMoz [0]
[*]BigFairy321 [0]
[*]atari_wizard [0]
[*]Blackjack [0]
[*]Xot [0]
[*]lost child [0]
[*]no attack [0]
[*]Bunsen [0]
[*]Big Player [0]

Standings are current as of the beginning of this week,
and do NOT include points from this week's game. If
you think there has been a mistake in any of the
scoring, please contact me.


Member List
gamerz, Christophero Sly, Trooper, Nateo, homerwannabee, lost child, Happy_Dude, video game addict, Spirantho, bobafett07728, mikeftrevino, Paul Slocum, fsuinnc, Gamemaster_ca_2003, Robert M, DeV0, Gateway, Mendon, Fretwobbler, PaulEMoz, killersquirel, shining slade, chadtower, gospeedde, stayrunner, Big Player, Swingtown, Chris++, hotpants, hobbles, taxman, Ze_ro, maibock, moycon, somePUNK, Saldo, Stingray, Kepone, xmetalhedx, chrisbid, Kialan, Jeffy Arensmeyer, Keir, ToddRogers, Numan, iguana, LU8, jeepnut24, Albert, Tsukasa, Adrian M, dykesr, EricDeLee, Thomas Jentzsch, The 8th Passenger, the 5th ghost, Bunsen, atari_wizard, jedijeff, davepesc, maximebeauvais, buzzguy, bjk7382, khryssun, HermChase, wiz21mx, karnov, Goochman, NE146, keilbaca, vb_master, Sora, Malc74, sabeen557, 128bytes, Fellow Atari Man, liquid_sky, InanimateCarbonRod, Krazy_kamino, pmpddytim, cuteycat2, kemsted, Xot, Scooterb23, elviticus, Dan Iacovelli, LarcenTyler, RadioFSoftware, sku_u, no attack, Kurushimi, Blackjack, fedechab


Scoring Points in Space Treat Deluxe
At the end of each level, you are awarded:
  • 100 points for each remaining ship.
    [*]10 points for each unit of fuel remaining.
    [*]1000 bonus points if you cleared the level without losing a life.
    [*]A bonus of 10 to 1000 points for each stage cleared.
    • - Unknown, presumably after 999,990.


Hints and Tips
As always, you really should read the manual.

A PDF version of the manual can be found here (Thanks Albert!)

In case you're too lazy to load up the PDF, here's the hints the manual provides:
  • Always carefully choose the location where you will leave the base. The fuel will not decrease while you're connected to it, but you won't be able to get back to the base until you have collected the food.
    [*]Take some time to examine the movement patterns of the drones to find the best place and time to start your trip, both upwards and downwards.
    [*]You can take a break between levels, since the game will wait for you to push the fire button before starting a new screen.


Good luck everyone!



(the manual)
In most stages, there will be one row of ships that moves slower than the other rows. It helps to identify this 'slow row' from the outset, then use that as a kind of safety zone between the top and bottom. This is especially useful if the slow row is in the middle, as it allows you a few seconds of respite between base and the top, and vice-versa.

Also, go as fast as possible in the first few stages to amass as many easy points as you can. You can easily dash up and down with reckless abandon in the first four stages or so.

Keep in mind that to return your ship to base, you don't have to line them up perfectly. There's a little leeway on either side, allowing you to make some quick dashes between drones, even if you're not directly above the base.

(no attack)
1. Don't take uneccessary risks!! You don't get extra lives (as far as I can see), and the bonus for completing a level without losing a life GREATLY outweighs the time remaining bonus. YOU'LL NEED THOSE EXTRA LIVES!!!

2. I always try to "fall into line" with the enemies. I try my best to duck in right behind the last enemy in a row, and then do the same on the following row. This avoids being caught between two enemies, and having little to no room to maunuever.

3. Another technique I use is to alwyas go the same direction as the enemies. If they are going left, go left, and vice versa. This along with #2, alows me to almost get in rhythm with the enemies.

4. Be patient before you start. Some levels are REALLY tricky with the way the enemies are lined up. DON'T start until you have an absolute "game plan" for that particular level. Its better to wait it out, then to rush into it and lose a guy (or two), and the lost live bonus!!!

5. Don't be afraid to backtrack. You don't always need to go to the fruit, or to the spaceship. It is better to go back a row, and regather your thoughts before jumping into a periloius situation. This is a lot easier said than done, as it is human nature to go towards the goal, and not move away from it. I have a hard time doing this on a regular basis, but it is quite helpful. . . and it could save you a few extra men!!!!!!

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Great choice! Fruit-tastic!


I usually play this on Activision Anthology for the GBA. I know that usually we don't allow GBA play, and I'm ok if we say "emulators only".


...but maybe, if Rasty certifies that the gameplay is the same, we can allow it for just this one time...

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A little bit better, but I still have a ways to go.




I think I may have to get a controller of somesort, becuase playing with the keyboard is getting old. When I use an emulator, I have to play at work during downtime. I think I'll stop by Circuit City and get something tomorrow. The keyboard isn't too bad for this title, but I could foresee it being a problem in the upcoming weeks.


This title is growing on me. . . I may have to make a stop at the AtariAge store :D


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First try: 19,630.


quick question:

can the regular space treat game be used also if you have that cart instead of the deluxe.

I may be mistaken, but I'm fairly certain that the non-Deluxe version of Space Treat doesn't keep score... which would make things quite difficult!



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I may be mistaken, but I'm fairly certain that the non-Deluxe version of Space Treat doesn't keep score... which would make things quite difficult!


You are correct, the original version of Space Treat did not contain scoring. This was a feature that I and others lobbied for in the Deluxe version. :)



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