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High Score Club Week 28: Space Treat Deluxe


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What a FRUSTRATING game this is. Almost every game now, I'm well on my way to beating my high score with all my ships left ..... then BAM I lose 3 or 4 ships on the next level and things go downhill from there.

I guess that's the sign of a good game, it makes me want to cuss and throw my joystick!

I need to take a break, my blood pressure is way to high now.

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Getting better every day!!!! :D



I agree with you Blackjack, I'll be on a serious roll, and get to that one round where nothing lines up "nicely" and lose practically all my extras. I'll get close to my high score with three or four guys, and WHAMMO!!!! finish about a hundred or so points off my best.



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I know I'm not top-scorer, but I've found one technique useful. In most stages, there will be one row of ships that moves slower than the other rows. It helps to identify this 'slow row' from the outset, then use that as a kind of safety zone between the top and bottom. This is especially useful if the slow row is in the middle, as it allows you a few seconds of respite between base and the top, and vice-versa.


Also, go as fast as possible in the first few stages to amass as many easy points as you can. You can easily dash up and down with reckless abandon in the first four stages or so.


Hope that's helpful.

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Ok, I got to level 14 but never saw a score in this game???


Only the Deluxe version of this game keeps scoer. The original Space Treat di dnot keep score.


I managed to get to 35,000 then the game reset. I haven't scored that high again. Has anyone else had this happen to them? I'm wondering if something's up with my cart.

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In addition to the helpful tips provided my no attack, here are a few pointers I use:


1. Don't take uneccessary risks!! You don't get extra lives (as far as I can see), and the bonus for completing a level without losing a life GREATLY outweighs the time remaining bonus. YOU'LL NEED THOSE EXTRA LIVES!!!


2. I always try to "fall into line" with the enemies. I try my best to duck in right behind the last enemy in a row, and then do the same on the following row. This avoids being caught between two enemies, and having little to no room to maunuever.


3. Another technique I use is to alwyas go the same direction as the enemies. If they are going left, go left, and vice versa. This along with #2, alows me to almost get in rhythm with the enemies.


4. Be patient before you start. Some levels are REALLY tricky with the way the enemies are lined up. DON'T start until you have an absolute "game plan" for that particular level. Its better to wait it out, then to rush into it and lose a guy (or two), and the lost live bonus!!!


sku_u: I'm playing mine on an emulator, so I haven't had that problem yet. I did, however, order it from AtariAge, and it was shipped yesterday. I doubt I'll be able to give you any imput before this competition is over, but I'll check mine when it arrives and let you know.

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Don't be afraid to backtrack. You don't always need to go to the fruit, or to the spaceship. It is better to go back a row, and regather your thoughts before jumping into a periloius situation. This is a lot easier said than done, as it is human nature to go towards the goal, and not move away from it. I have a hard time doing this on a regular basis, but it is quite helpful. . . and it could save you a few extra men!!!!!!

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Well. . . here's my final submission. I wish I could play it more but I don't have means to play off an emulator at home. Maybe if I get my cartridge Saturday I'll get a few games in on the console. Once again. . . GREAT CHOICE!!!! This is a title I would have never known about had it not been for this High Score Club.




Can't wait for next week's title!!! I'm glad I'm back in action!!!


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