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7800 Emulator


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I don't know if this Emulator work on Win2k, I use Win 98.


If you have install the Emu, you need the file 7800.rom. This file must be ziped and calls a7800.zip. And tghe zip must be in the same folder as the exe file.


Then you have more folders. You need the folder software in this folder make a new folder this you calls a7800. In this you put all ROM files you have. The files must end with .78.


Now start Mess32.exe. Is a bit hard to config all. Maybe try a bit yourself, because I can't explain it all. Left you see more folders. You need only Avaible. There you see all games that you have. Click on Atari 7800, now in Software you must see the Games. Now you can start the games by click on them.


I hope that helps a bit. If not maybe an other person can explain it better. Or you tell where the problems are.

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When you get MESS up-and-running, keep in mind the following:


The current version of MESS (0.56) has a bug which causes many Atari 7800 games to either freeze on the 'Atari Logo' screen or not work at all. However, it does support some ROMS/games that were not working correctly (If at all) in the previous versions.


The version prior to 0.56 (sorry I forgot the release number), plays correctly the games that 'freeze-up' on the new version.


Which leaves two choices in order to have the most compatible 7800 ROM emulation expereince:


1. Download and keep both versions (Which I do). The newer version (0.56), is win32 native with its own GUI. The older version is DOS native, but had a Win32 port. The newer version is plain MESS.EXE. The older version MESS32.EXE. It makes simutaneous running easy.


2. Wait for the next release. The bug that plagues 0.56 has been fixed, and hopefully with the next MESS release (I believe), almost all 7800 ROMS/games should work.



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