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High Score Club Week 31: Battlezone


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Hi there!


Improving some more to 73.000 today!


Here's a few tips from me. Sorry if I'm just pointing out the obvious or repeating what is already known:


Limit 1:

The game is only tracking 2 enemies at a time. That is 1-2 tanks of both types and 0-1 Ufos, of both types.


You need to be constantly aware which of the two are around you. For example, when chasing a tank, sometimes you can hear the red ufo, knowing that it is harmless. The opposite is when facing the Ufo you can be sure that the other radar dot is a tank somewhere around you.


Limit 2:

The game is only tracking 2 shots at a time - One for you, one for the enemy. While this prevents you from shooting twice, it also does that for your enemy, i.e. once you escaped an enemy shot, be aware that _all_ enemies are _totally_ defnesless for a few precious moments now!


Kill or be killed:

The secret is all about angles. Your tank can move only forward and backward and it is very limited sideways. The enemy always shoots in a straight line towrds you so consider this:


- Worst case: An enemy shooting at 6 o'Clock: You're dead. Period. No chance. Maybe you can drive forward for a second, but then you're dead anyway.


- Best case: An enemy shooting at 3 or 9 o'Clock: Brillant. He is dead. It's like this: The enemy is shooting straight at you from your side. All you need to do is move forward for 1/2 second to avoid his shot and then you immediately turn towards him. Remember that he is totally defensless! Just turn and shoot!


Now, the only remaining difficult part is to get 2 enemies at once near 3/9 o'Clock ;)


For example, when you're going after the red Ufo, always try to keep the _second_ radar dot near 3 or 9, moving forward (at least for a moment immediately after you hear a shot) You might get 2-3 maybe 4 safe shots against the Ufo without being in danger at all!




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126,000. Getting into a groove with this game. Can I do better...not really sure!!!


Anyway, @ no attack....no need to be jealous at Todd, the guy is superhuman when it comes to these games!!! Also, no need to mistrust his abilities, just take a look on Twin Galaxies and you will no longer doubt his abilities when you see all the records he holds (and they have the videos to prove it). It would be cool to see him in action. I've seen some pics of him in some old circa 1980's mags and most recently in Video Game Collectior issue 2 (circa 1982 with Barbie Benton..va va va voom!!) but to see him in action must be amazing!


- Sal


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