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Supr Mario Bros. 7800? Is it gonna happen?


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So is this 7800 port of Super Mario Bros 1 ever gonna happen? I am very much looking forward to playing it. It would be like a dream come true. I would do it myself (or at least try too..lmfao@me) BUT I can't program worth a damn and I was just hoping someone had started the undertaking of porting this game. Please reply with any and all info on what up with this game.



Shawn Sr.

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Why make a 7800 port of one of the most dirt common game for the NES? Just scrape together some pocket change and buy the NES version! I'd rather see the time and dedication to programming a full game on the 7800 go to something unique, instead of being wasted on the same game that's available on a different platform, that you can find in a thrift store for the price of a soda.

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Why make a 7800 port of one of the most dirt common game for the NES? Just scrape together some pocket change and buy the NES version! I'd rather see the time and dedication to programming a full game on the 7800 go to something unique, instead of being wasted on the same game that's available on a different platform, that you can find in a thrift store for the price of a soda.


Good point. I would like to see a good arcade game like wizard of wor, or Mr. do ported to the 7800.

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Good point. I would like to see a good arcade game like wizard of wor, or Mr. do ported to the 7800.


What we need here isn't another arcade conversion. Rather, we need something new and original (such as SMB was on the NES). Remember, it took original platformer games to get the NES off the ground and running. The 7800 has precious few of these side-scrolling gems. So that's what's needed. Not necesseraly a SMB conversion or even a clone, but a side-scroller of some kind.

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Good point. I would like to see a good arcade game like wizard of wor, or Mr. do ported to the 7800.


What we need here isn't another arcade conversion. Rather, we need something new and original (such as SMB was on the NES). Remember, it took original platformer games to get the NES off the ground and running. The 7800 has precious few of these side-scrolling gems. So that's what's needed. Not necesseraly a SMB conversion or even a clone, but a side-scroller of some kind.


I agree with this statement. Although I have yet to play Scrapyard Dog (CV, where are you?) I think that if anyone is going to make a side-scroller game, let it be original. Can one be made that is just as fun, if not funner than SMB? Of course. It would make for a great entry in the homebrewer's contest :wink:


I just need to dedicate myself to studying assembly and then I'll make one.



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Well, it doesn't have to be completely original. Remember the incredible jump between the gameplay in the first Pitfall, compared to Pitfall II? Imagine a Pitfall game that uses NES style platforming, but building on the gameplay of the Pitfall games. A game that's designed to take full advantage of the 7800's graphics power. And throw in a POKEY chip into it, for some good tunes. Just mull over that one!

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How did Pitfall on the NES turn out? I've never played it, it seemed to be rather obscure...


Something along the lines of Pitfall 2 would be great. That was always one of my favorite 2600 games. If you gave Harry a whip(or allow him to duck at least) and put some bosses in the mix and it certainly would continue to be a fun game. I'm just starting to really think about how such a project would turn out to be on the 7800 though. :ponder:

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Super Pitfall for the NES wasn't all that good. I thought it was a pretty interesting idea, and the level (that's level, as in one) was absolutely huge. But the gameplay wasn't there. I rented it a couple of times back in the day, and I easily got lost in the level. The graphics weren't up to snuff, though. Pitfall Harry just looked wrong. He looked big and chunky, and not very well animated.

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Super Pitfall for the NES wasn't all that good. I thought it was a pretty interesting idea, and the level (that's level, as in one) was absolutely huge. But the gameplay wasn't there. I rented it a couple of times back in the day, and I easily got lost in the level. The graphics weren't up to snuff, though. Pitfall Harry just looked wrong. He looked big and chunky, and not very well animated.


Why be so nice? Super Pitfall on the NES was abysmal. Controls were horrible and the formula was all wrong (I mean since when did Harry ever need a gun, which by the way he can't seem to use very well).


Need further proof? How about some screen shots (below)?


No. If we're going to go for a 7800 sidescroller, let's not make it like this one, hmm? :ponder:


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Actually there was a sequel to Super Pitfall that wasn't released in the US. It was released in Japan as Atlantis no Nazo. I remember playing this game on my friends Famicom and I like it. It was hard as hell, but fun. It was't until years later that I learned it was the Super Pitfall sequel.





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Well I received my copy of Scrapyard Dog today (thanks CV!!!) and now I'm wondering why this game is so overlooked. It has great graphics(better than SMB IMHO) and it's a pretty fun game to play(from what I've played so far). If you haven't played SD yet and want a SMB game well...get Scrapyard Dog! The 7800 can obviously do a side-scroller very well, I imagine that anyone who knows the 7800 inside and out could produce a great looking game.

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Well I received my copy of Scrapyard Dog today (thanks CV!!!) and now I'm wondering why this game is so overlooked. It has great graphics(better than SMB IMHO) and it's a pretty fun game to play(from what I've played so far). If you haven't played SD yet and want a SMB game well...get Scrapyard Dog! The 7800 can obviously do a side-scroller very well, I imagine that anyone who knows the 7800 inside and out could produce a great looking game.


I like SCRAPYARD DOG too. It has solid graphics, fast scrolling, decent sound(!), a lot of levels and secret levels etc. My only gripe is that there are some jumps that are WAAAY too hard.

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Well I received my copy of Scrapyard Dog today (thanks CV!!!) and now I'm wondering why this game is so overlooked. It has great graphics(better than SMB IMHO) and it's a pretty fun game to play(from what I've played so far). If you haven't played SD yet and want a SMB game well...get Scrapyard Dog! The 7800 can obviously do a side-scroller very well, I imagine that anyone who knows the 7800 inside and out could produce a great looking game.


I'm glad you dig it, Shag. But I agree, I think some of those jumps later in the game are way too friggin hard, but it's a pretty cool game.


I'm working on a game guide for that one too, but I gotta be able to beat it first... LOL. It's the only 7800 game (besides Tank Command and Water Ski- which I don't count because of apathy) I haven't beaten.


Cousin Vinnie

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I just got stuck on the first hard jump in the sewers. I wasn't expecting it and I was on my last guy and of course I fell a long ways. I don't even see how you can make it. :?


The fast scrolling is impressive. I wasn't expecting the game to scroll along like it does as I'm used to things being a little slower on the other 7800 games I have. It's perfect with the 7800 joypad. If Atari does release anything like the Flashback in the future, I think it would be very smart to include this game.

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I can't remember which version of Scrapyard Dog I made it to the end of. I remember that the last bit of the game wasn't a boss as you'd normally think of a boss character, it was one of those sliding tile type puzzles. I have always hated those, and i've never been any good at solving them, especially when there's a time limit. I didn't solve it, and I lost. :(

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Good point. I would like to see a good arcade game like wizard of wor, or Mr. do ported to the 7800.


What we need here isn't another arcade conversion. Rather, we need something new and original (such as SMB was on the NES). Remember, it took original platformer games to get the NES off the ground and running. The 7800 has precious few of these side-scrolling gems. So that's what's needed. Not necesseraly a SMB conversion or even a clone, but a side-scroller of some kind.


Indeed. I have a great idea for a game that isn't an arcade clone (although it started as a remake, it's since evolved), nor a port. I just need to get the hang of assembly before I'll announce anything-I'd hate to get people's hopes up with an unfinished demo or something.

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