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High Score Club: What to do


How would you like to pick the game?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. How would you like to pick the game?

    • 5 Members pick a game, and we vote on it
    • Have every member submit a game at the beginning of the season, and they get randomly picked per week
    • Change nothing, 1 PM a week on who's next on the list

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IM fine with the rules -


I do want to clariy my 5 person suggestion since I think folks got confused with it -


The idea was 5 people would each pick a game (so we could get some fresh ideas) - The group would vote on those 5 and pick a winner. The net week another 5 people would pick a game (or 3 doesnt matter) and we'd vote again - There would be fresh games to pick from each week - not the same rehashed and not controlled by anyone.


Having said that -


Lets just do the pick 1 a week - start enduro (though I voted for Dragonfire :) )

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I have no problem with 1 person choosing a game. In fact, I think we would get more interesting selections that way than if games were put to a majority vote.


I don't think my name ever got added to the member list.


Also, has 12 weeks been decided on as the definite length of the season? Or is that still open for debate?

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I like the rule revisions and will start competing again.


To clarify a point though, I never meant to insinuate that Todd not be allowed to play. I only meant (same as pitfallaimee) that with no chance of winning the competition lost some of it's appeal to me. I love the "beat the champ" idea and am thrilled to see that Todd likes the idea too. I think offering cash prizes, while cool of him to offer, isn't necessary, and like someone else pointed out may insipre cheating.



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1. 1 point intervals between 1st to 10th, starting from 11 to 2.

2. 1 point for participation (the 1 point is included into the top 10 score)

3. ToddRogers puts in an extraordinary score, called Beat the Champ. You beat it, you get double points. (The double points does not carry to the Best tips if you get that as well)

4. It is weekly, but it'll end Monday night, that gives the rest of us time to play with odd days off.

5. Best tips is 2 points.

All this sounds great. :)


I think the season should be longer than 12 weeks, because a lot of people can't (or don't want to) play every week.


Also, I am one of the people who never got to pick a game. I would like to have that opportunity but I won't complain if everyone else wants to scrap the old member list. I would, however, like to offer another suggestion that combines both methods.


1. Keep the list as it is.

2. The next five people on the list each pick a game (and difficulty setting).

3. The HSC as a whole votes on what the next game will be.

4. The following week, the 4 people whose games lost the vote plus the next person on the list pick another 5 games.

5. The person whose game won the vote, and anyone who was supposed to pick a game to be voted on but didn't, are moved to the end of the list.


Sorry if that is too complicated, but I tried to incorporate all the good ideas that have been suggested. One thing that hasn't been discussed much that was a problem in the last HSC is how to deal with "deadbeat" players, so I tried to include that too.

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The more I think about the 5-person format for picking games, the more potential logistical problems I see with it. Voting might be a distraction because we would be picking next week's game while we were playing the current week's game. It might also be a chore to get all five people to submit a game for the ballot in a timely fashion.


Voting would also take away most of the surprise. For me, part of the appeal of the club is not knowing which game is coming next. Voting might also reduce the number of underrated or obscure games we play.


If we a going with a twelve week season, why not have everyone submit a game pick at the beginning of the season. keilbaca can then compile a list of these picks and assign each game a number. A random number generator can then be used to pick a game each week. If more than one person picks the same game, then that game is assigned multiple numbers on the list and has a higher probability of being picked. Using this method, everybody gets an equal chance to pick one of the games in a season and the surprise factor remains intact. It would also present less logistical problems than weekly voting.


Having said all that, I honestly don't care how we select a game. :D


Although, I think it's important that everybody still in line to pick a game from last season should be given their opportunity to do so before we implement any new method.

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My 2 cents, though awfully late (no net access for a couple of days):


I like the scoring method (1st through 10th + 1pt for participation + ? pts for best tip)

I don't care whether T Rogers plays or no.

I like the idea of 5 people picking games then everyone voting. Though I would reduce that to 3 people, maybe. You will only get the same ol' games every week if those 3/5/whatever people pick the same ol' games! Though the method of picking a game isn't a big deal to me.

I think that four 12-week seasons during the year (with maybe a 4-week Annual Championship Challenge at the end of the year) is a cool idea.

I like the idea of off-weeks every now and again, though that isn't a big deal either. Maybe four 12-week seasons with a single week off between them all? Anyway, new suggestions are probably too late at this point, which is cool.

I haven't picked a game yet (I've only been a member for like 2-3 weeks, though).

I would like to continue participating in HSC.


That's all. Thanks. :)

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Ok, make sure I'm on the list.


Can you list all the games that have already been chosen, so we don't pick them again?


Also, is your choice of the 5 people totally random? I mean, if I get picked to choose a game for week 1, and my game is NOT chosen, can I get randomly picked to choose a game another week?


I'm assuming that if a game is on the top 5 list and NOT chosen, it can be used as a choice in subsequent weeks.



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Ok, make sure I'm on the list.


Can you list all the games that have already been chosen, so we don't pick them again?


Also, is your choice of the 5 people totally random? I mean, if I get picked to choose a game for week 1, and my game is NOT chosen, can I get randomly picked to choose a game another week?  


I'm assuming that if a game is on the top 5 list and NOT chosen, it can be used as a choice in subsequent weeks.




Check back to my other poist, I posted a link to all the games that have been played already.


So far we're pretty even about what's going on, either want 1 pm or 5 and voting. One thing I would like to clarify. The "Same old games" won't be picked again and again. The OLD list is also effective in games NOT being able to be chosen. Also, only PLAYED games are NOT playable ONCE we PLAY the game, losing voting games CAN be brought to vote again. Once you post a voting game you go to the end of the list, that'll stop the seeing the same game over again. 5 people a week, you should get a couple votes in at least. If we do it by voting, this group has already agreed upon Enduro for the first game, so it'll be chosen by the GROUP, and will not be able to be picked again. Being everyone here shows interest in playing, I will pick 5 people from this thread, to pick a game to be voted. Once you vote, you go to the end of the line. This will cycle everyone through pretty fast.


Guys I didn't get to pick either, just Crackpots when I had the right timing on when I was on and it was the "fastest PM" with Ze_ro, so I'm trying to do the best I can to satisfy everyone.


It won't be 12 weeks, it'll most likely be all year.


Now, before anyone else votes for individual or voting for games, is the above clear?

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...I honestly don't care how we select a game. :D



Neither do I.




Actually, I think I should re-phrase that.


Ultimately, I don't care how we pick a game, but, if we're taking the time to do this, then I think we should select a method that isn't needlessly complex and won't be a distraction. I'm concerned that the 5-person format will be both of these things.

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Hi there!


Ive sort have been under the weather so to speak i just had a tooth pulled and i have an encapsulated abcess, so sorry for the dealay on this topic but we all know how dental matters can be.


I see, so that's probably why you missed my question regarding Adventures of Tron both in this thread and in the HSC thread.


No problem, I'll just ask it again: Does the score roll in Adventures of Tron or not?




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Hi there!


My concerns with the 1 out of 5 descission is even a bit different:


It's just natural that always the "mainstream" game would win the most votes. And it also takes away the surprise, yes.





I agree with you. If it was put to a vote, I don't think rare or obscure games would ever get picked. For example, I didn't own Subterranea when it was picked, so I would have never voted for it. I still don't own any howebrews, so they won't be getting my vote in the new season. :ponder:


It appears that no one really seems to care how the game is picked. However, this ambivalence may lead us to select a method that proves to be dysfunctional, and that is my concern.


Does anyone have any thoughts on the method I suggested a few responses back on this page? I think it would allow everyone a fair shot at having their game selected and it would maintain the surprise factor. Although, it would work best if we played multiple seasons in a year.

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im not particularly interested in having any say in what games are chosen, purely because i wouldnt have chosen AoT or pressure cooker, and i ended up enjoying both games.


i also like the idea of it being a complete surprise when the game is announced, so i go with the idea of one person making a choice - how that one person is chosen i have no idea.....

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Here's an idea.. you get bonus points for being the highest score AND submitting it the earliest. This will make you have to play your best and always submit scores to try and get your highest score in the earliest.


That idea is bad because of people who work. The only bonus points are for best tips, and Beat the Champ.


Nintendodiesscreaming, Ze_ro got swamped with work, then I offered to take it over. I recieved a PM from Albert making me a mod, for the HSC. Since then Ze_ro has disappeared, he hasn't posted here in the longest time, so AFAIK I'm in charge of it. Its been fun, and it still is.


Hmm, so its about even about what we want to do, either votes or single PM's. I don't mind either, its what you guys want. This is taking too long so when this is finished, we'll start the HSC, but it'll be an extended week, till this coming Monday night. So, what is it, PM's or votes, and is Enduro good for this week, no matter what happens with what we choose?

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