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Cmon -- Digital Press guys - share MISSING IN ACTION


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In 2002, this game was briefly shown, with an announcement that it would be manufactured for the Atari 7800 sometime later in the year. The production run never happened, reportedly due to issues with manufacturing. Unfortunately, the owners also held back any ROMs for emulator users, cuttle cart owners. Likewise, they didn't share any additional pics, level information or other things with the community. In short, despite being found CHUCK NORRIS MISSING IN ACTION is still MISSING IN ACTION as far as the vast majority of the Atari community is concerned.


The guys at Digital Press own this, Plutos and Sirius and have not wanted to share anything with the community thus far. 7800 protoypes are a mystery and many 7800 fans would love to see these games join the ranks of KLAX, GATO, FRACTALUS and PIT FIGHTER ... lost prototypes that were shared with the community.


Cmon guys - please consider sharing a ROM or some more pics.



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What's the purpose in withholding it anyway?   :?


Something's goofy in the cart-they were planning on releasing it along with PLutos and Sirius, but none of them will copy. And they REALLY want to get em out on cart first.


At least, that's my understanding. Plutos and Sirius aren't even working right, and MIA wasn't working all that well either.

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What's the purpose in withholding it anyway?   :?


Something's goofy in the cart-they were planning on releasing it along with PLutos and Sirius, but none of them will copy. And they REALLY want to get em out on cart first.


At least, that's my understanding. Plutos and Sirius aren't even working right, and MIA wasn't working all that well either.


Well - it's been three years now. It seems as though there is no chance of a cart coming out, so how about releasing a ROM or some pics or something.

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Sadly, I think that requests like this only encourage hoarders to hold onto their items, as it serves as proof that there is high demand for their particular game. Heck, they'll probably use threads like this as justification for driving up the price at sale time. And I mean no criticism by this, Drac -- I've done this myself a number of times (out of sheer desperation).


I think that the only way that us guys who are truly out of the rare collectors' loop to get a hold of these items is to wait until one of the collectors runs out of cash and creates a pirate run of carts. It's happened enough times before. :sad:

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I remember going to CGE that year specifically because there was an announcement that 7800 MIA was going to be sold there. Needless to say I was dissapointed that it wasn't. Nobody seemed to want to comment on it much either. I was hoping they'd at least have some sort of demo up and running but I didn't see that either.

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That's the thing; no working ROM either. Only seems to work on the actual dev cart.

Dev cart as in THE "Dev Cart" (the "official" Atari one) or as in they found a proto? I figure you really mean Atari's dev cart, since it probably wouldn't have reached the EPROM proto stage by then.


Still, if they were to release it to more people who could figure it out AND had enough free time (I have the first, but not much of the second lately), having more people look at it means more chances to figure out what is needed to make a cart of it.

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Maybe they don't actually have it all and they are just full of crap. I would almost be willing to bet on it.


Missing In Action exists (it's not MIA), as I remember playing it at PC3. I didn't get to see Plutos, but I was told that it was also there (but crashed soon after it was started). I don't think Sirius was shown.



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Was it any good?


For a 7800 game? Yes. It was your average side scrolling brawler, very reminiscent of games like POW or Bad Dudes. There were some interesting levels like a giant waterfall that you had to climb up (think level jumping like the end of Metroid) and a driving level where you had to pilot a boat (I kept going too fast and flipping it over). I only played it for 10 min or so (I think someone was video taping me too), but it was enough to see that it was a very average game overall. Still it would have been a welcome edition to the 7800 library.


Interestingly there was a level skip cheat in the game (trigged by the difficultly switches) which allowed me to see the higher levels.



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Was it any good?

Still it would have been a welcome edition to the 7800 library.


If only the Tramiels had started making games like this in 1986/7 instead of waiting until the 7800 was pretty much off store shelves.


Yeah, no doubt! It sounds like it would have easily stood out from the rest of the 7800 games. It just seems like such a waste not to release it even if it was near the end of the 7800's life. I mean, there had to have been some sort of liscencing fee. Not only for the rights to Missing in Action, but Chuck Norris's likeness as well.


Did it have music? Was pokey used?

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