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Atari All Stars....the game

Cousin Vinnie

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This is a long way off, but I was thinking of designing a 7800 game that included all of Atari's stars, much like Nintendo does with the Mario characters or Super Smash Bros.


If you were the designer of a game like this, who would you pick?


Here's my thoughts:


1) Sly from Tower Toppler

2) Bently Bear from Crystal Castles

3) Yar from Yar's Revenge

4) The guy from Hero

5) Rhindle the Red from Adventure

6) Pitfall Harry

7) Scraps from Scrap Yard Dog

8) The Ninja Golfer from Ninja Golf

9) That kid from Midnight Mutants

10) The pilot from Star Raiders/ Solaris?


What do you guys think?

Cousin Vinnie www.bigfishusa.com


[ 05-05-2002: Message edited by: Cousin Vinnie ]

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Wouldn't it be best to pick original ATARI own characters rather than characters from games made for the Atari??


Only problem being that Atari were not like Sega/Nintendo and into "character brands" in that way...


What about:


Peter Pack Rat


Bif and Jet from Toobin'

Jake and Duke from Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters




Did Atari publish or licence Kangaroo 'cos Kanga would be cool...




[ 05-06-2002: Message edited by: Jet Boot Jack ]

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Here are some that cvome to mind: (that havn't been mentioned)

Adventure - the "square"

Breakout- ball and paddle


Circus Atari- Clown

Dark Chambers- guy

Desert Falcon


Food Fight- Charley Chuck

Gauntlet - warrior folks


I, Robot- Robot#1984

Jungle Hunt- guy

Klax- klax tile

Major Havoc


Outlaw- Pete and Billy

Swordquest- guy

Tempest- "claw"

Warlords- warlord? (look at the cover!)



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deadtech - you're so right, I totally forgot:


Charley Chuck

Major Havoc

The "Swordquest" Characters



But I don't reckon you can count:



Jungle Hunt



KBeXpress - since the idea was to emulate Nintendo's SSB (or even SMK) then I think its dead on to ONLY include genuine Atari Characters


Otherwise it just beomes "my favorite characters"...



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Originally posted by Jet Boot Jack:

deadtech - you're so right, I totally forgot:


Charley Chuck

Major Havoc

The "Swordquest" Characters



But I don't reckon you can count:



Jungle Hunt






Charley Chuck was licensed also, from GCE, the people that designed the Maria in the 7800, if I'm not mistaken...

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You're right, Liquid_Sky!

I say any Atari Videogame Character is fair game.

With that technicality is out of the way.


Don't forget to include the Good Ol' Boys

from Dukes of Hazzard of your list, Cousin



Them Dukes, them Dukes!

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GCE & Food Fight - I think that GCE developed and produced the game for Atari - it was an Atari branded coin-op when I saw it...


BTW - "designing a 7800 game that included all of Atari's stars, much like Nintendo does with the Mario characters or Super Smash Bros." - I took to mean Atari developed or owned characters...



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