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HSC Season 2 Week 2: Beamrider


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Absolutely try to find the rom... cough**r0m-wor1d**cough

I am finding HSC is great for getting to enjoy a game more than you normally would on your own, specially with titles like this that some of us never played before.. like me..


Needless to say... Beamrider is one of those missing carts I am now looking for... & just recently got outbid for... probably from someone here :)

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Whew, just played the game of my life!


48,276 wow. It gets nutty beyond Sector 20! eep.


Here are the best tips as I see them, or better yet, how I have been playing to get my scores (I'm sure I will repeat a few that others have stated, but it never hurts to confirm good advice).


1. Patience. Yes, I know its a fast paced game with all kinds of crap coming at you, but don't simply move from line to line. Stick with a line for a second, only move if something is directly threatening you. You'll get more shots off, and you'll hit more goodies, plus you'll avoid blindly stumbling into trouble. Patience on the grid.


2. in the middle teen rounds, the enemy ships (white ones) will start to dive bomb you. Excellent. This is a great way to pick up a lot of points and clear the middle teen rounds really fast. I have cleared level 16 in about 45 seconds thanks to this.


3. Shoot everything. I know everyone is panicked about destroying the extra men, but the extra lives don't usually show until late in a Sector, I usually have under 10 ships left to blast before it shows, sometimes as few as 1. So early on, FIRE AT EVERYTHING CONSTANTLY. You stand a better chance of hitting more ships early, hitting those gold diamond things, and it does not hurt to shoot unkillable enemies anyway!


4. Shifters, those little orange bastards that dive bomb you, but can switch lines at any time. Make them shift early and often. When they first appear they generally only shift once and only if you are close, so make them shift as soon as they appear on the grid. In later Sectors, you'll have to be more creative as they start shifting more, but the same general rules apply. Make them shift, don't let them shift.


5. Those green star jobbies are ALWAYS gunning for you. Be aware of them, they will seek you out and try to ram you. Watch for them and plan your movements accordingly. They are the single biggest threat to your game.


6. Squatters, those little green ships that sit on the end of the beam. NEVER let them reach the end of the beam. As soon as they appear, gun them. The only acceptable place to allow one to hit is on the side, but they are far more frequent in the middle. If a Squatter strands you in a corner, you are done.



So there are my big time tips. Hope they help!




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3460 - i know its low, but im not enjoying the game enough to persevere - odd, because one of my all time faves is arcade juno First, which is pretty similar......


guess thats me done for the week for this one - no photo, but i dont suppose anyone will query my score too much!

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It almost seems to get easier after level 12 due to the enemies dive bombing in a straight line. The problem is I've lost so many lives in the early rounds that by the time I get to level 13 and up I'm left with only one life remaining. I couldn't count how many times I've hit reset on sector 8 just as I'm starting out. :roll:

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curse you, video game addict!!!!  I'll beat you yet!!!


You know he's just messing with you Stan. He's already mastered this one and waits for you to post so he can put up a score just bit higher and torture you. Poor Stantalus. j/k :D :D


Yes, this I have come to realize. I'm getting close to 50K, but I really struggle past Sector 20. :x :x :x :x :x :x

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