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another rant from a newbie


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Well, this is my first posting. Things have come full circle I guess. I got the 2600/VCS for Christmas 1980. Our neighbors got the Intellivision, so of course I felt I had the inferior product. This only got worse with the advent of Colecovision---I was consumed with getting that system. I never did get it. I still haven't. Anyways I pretty much overlooked what was available at that time for the 2600. I DID buy Pac Man when it came out--which probably furthered my assumptions of inferiority about the system. I lost total interest in video games at that point. I missed the Nintendo years. I played Sonic 2 on the Sega Genesis in '93 and that rekindled my interest. I finally got my own Genesis in 1997 when they were discontinuing them. I enjoyed it it for a while. I eventually got bored with all the samey side scrolling. Although I was able to pick up a few retro games for it (Ms Pac-Man, Williams Arcade). Anyway I bought a used Playstation in 2001. I liked what the system was able to do, plus I was able to get the Midway compilations also. I bought the first Intellivision comp also----surprised how primitive it seemed now. My ex-wife bought me the ps2 for xmas 2003. I played a few games and enjoyed them then hit a dead end. All these great graphics and this and that, but I was not getting the addictive game play that I craved from the latest Resident Evil or Grand Theft Auto titles. About a month ago I picked up the Activision Anthology and finally found what was looking for: i.e. fun games. In that time I have acquired a 2600 from a co-worker and have over 40 carts. I'm enjoying it immensely. I've come full circle. Anybody else have this sort of experience?

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Welcome aboard :)  


I have always loved my Atari and even though thru the years I bought new systems from every later generation, the VCS remained my favorite.  Only the Colecovision comes close to it or me.


I'm pretty much in that same boat. I've had at least one of every generation of game system, VCS is and always will be my favorite. First loves, eh?


Oh and you really should look to get a CV, since you say you always wanted one, but never got one. It's a great system too.



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Thanks for the welcome everyone.


Yea, that's it!!! Keep encouraging me to get a Colecovision!!! :D


So should I hold off and get the CV version of Venture as opposed to the 2600 one?


Hey 25 year old youngster.....At least you probably didn't waste the quarters we did back in the glory days!!

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Welcome to AtariAge! Hope you stay! You should head over to the Marketplace forum, everyone here is very honest, so you can get your games that you loved to play without the pains of epay. Yeah you're right about the games that are actually fun, I get picked on all the time because I play atari, so I showed them some gameplay footage of Kaboom! and Spider Fighter on expert and yeah.... now they know why.

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Thanks StanJr. I'll let you know when I finally get one.


And I'll check out the marketplace forum also. All the kindness of this forum is overwhelming!! (I DO have a store on ebay though.....not video game related).


It's kind of like some kind of syndrome.....once most people move up to the next console....they leave everything else behind w/out looking back. I should've been looking in the early '80s. Oh well, more to discover today.

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I say, if it's fun, get it. :-)


See, I grew up in an era when if you were lucky to have a console at all, that was the console you had. Two consoles? That was just unheard of. What in the world did any kid need with two consoles?


Actually, I shouldn't say that. My first console was a Coleco Gemini, and my second a used Colecovision from friends of ours -- the next year, and concurrently with my Gemini. That was a luck-out though, and they both ended up getting lost in a move the year after that, so that was my karmic boomerang.


Now, I collect virtually everything I didn't have back then. I still concentrate primarily on 2600, but I've got a Colecovision, 7800, Lynx, SMS, Genesis, GameGear, and so on. :)

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Strangely, I did the "full circle" thing BEFORE I owned any modern consoles. I never really let go of the Atari, I guess, since I have basically lugged my old original 2600 console to college and through 3 cross-country moves and even though I'd go long stretches without playing it, I usually had it hooked up, or in a place where I COULD hook it up if I wanted to. My friends in high school were poking fun at my loyalty to the 2600 as far back as 1991. And I got seriously obsessed with "vintage gaming" in 2002. It wasn't until Christmas of 2003 that I got my first "new" console since my original 2600. (A GameCube.)

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Recycled.. If I may suggest...


If you have the room, I'd suggest getting a Coleco ADAM. It runs the Colecovision games, but it has some of the best home versions of any games available for it..


It has the only home ports of DK and DKJr. that have ALL the music and intermissions, and a version of Zaxxon especially for it that is unlike any other version of the game.


It can also play every coleovision cart out there.

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Was the ADAM Zaxxon on cassette? I've never seen it, or any special cart version for that matter.


As for the full circle thing -- I can't really say I have gone full circle, considering the newest game system I ever owned was a Dreamcast. Once computers began to surpass the capabilities of modern game systems as far as resolution, poly count, and sheer horsepower went, I really didn't see the need to get a PS2 or XBox or GC. Sure, they have unique games you can't get on computer -- but I can't make that justify the cost of buying a system. Plus, I just can't get into FPS-type games on a controller. I'm still used to a keyboard, and I can still kick ass in Descent like you just can't do with a controller, which couldn't possibly have enough buttons to properly control the ship. :-)

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Was the ADAM Zaxxon on cassette?  I've never seen it, or any special cart version for that matter.


Oh yeah. It kicked major leauge ass...



Had extra screens, and a save feature. :)


I may order myself a copy one of these days...

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Ok, I'll look into the ADAM. I don't know anything about it.


The thing about the latest generation of consoles, in my opinion, is that they're not big of a leap from the original Playstation. Oh, maybe a 25% improvement on the graphics, but not really a leap in game play. What do you guys think?


(Currently playing Turmoil)

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The thing about the latest generation of consoles, in my opinion, is that they're not big of a leap from the original Playstation.  Oh, maybe a 25% improvement on the graphics, but not really a leap in game play.  What do you guys think?

I think they're a pretty big leap from the PlayStation.


Honestly, I think the way I've approached them is the best: The last console I was seriously "into" was the NES. I thought the next 2 (or was it 3?) generations of consoles were a waste of time. The first consoles to primarily go to the 3-D polygon approach, I felt, were "not ready for prime time." The curent generation is, IMHO (of course), the first one since the NES/SMS generation that's worth bothering with!

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It's due to the high prices of 5200 Zaxxon that I've been considering a Colecovision. A few months ago, my brother called me to tell me that someone had one at a yard sale, but I told him not to buy it, as I thought (rather foolishly and uninformed as I was) that the only decent CV games were Q*bert, which I have for my 5200 and love, and Zaxxon, which I didn't like! Nowadays I want Zaxxon, since I was seriously terrible at the arcade version.


One major problem is a lack of space. I've got a 5200 and 7800 hooked up in series to my TV and a mess of controllers shoved behind a door of the wall unit...

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