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[ That would produce playback at ~14KHz (assuming 8-bit values), which would sound pretty low-fi. .

It sounds higher fi than the regular TIA sound, that's for sure. Remember that it isn't doing human voices or acoustic instruments or anything. It's pure synthetic tones. So if there is some aliasing/distortion in the sound, it's okay.

There's nothing stopping you from doing that with a similar setup to Pitfall II. It's a bit much circuitry to put in a cartridge, but once you've got a counter to address a chip full of sound samples, and some way to preload it, you can put your own sampled sound into a game.


In fact, it wouldn't take all that many CPU cycles to make something that sounds decent without using special chips. It would look something like thi:


3      STA WSYNC

2      LDY #0

5/6    LDA ($F0),Y

3      STA AUDV0

5      INC $F0

2/3    BNE .1

5/0    INC $F1



25 cycles or so, that ain't too bad, that's about 1/3 of a scan line.

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[ That would produce playback at ~14KHz (assuming 8-bit values), which would sound pretty low-fi. .

It sounds higher fi than the regular TIA sound, that's for sure. Remember that it isn't doing human voices or acoustic instruments or anything. It's pure synthetic tones. So if there is some aliasing/distortion in the sound, it's okay.

There's nothing stopping you from doing that with a similar setup to Pitfall II. It's a bit much circuitry to put in a cartridge, but once you've got a counter to address a chip full of sound samples, and some way to preload it, you can put your own sampled sound into a game.


Would this be how Quadrun and the voice-enhanced Berzerk hack are doing it?

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Nice work.


Is VHDL source code available?


It will be....I promise you that! I want to get everything working prior to release as I cannot commit to fielding questions. Seeing that I freely admit to using the TIA schematics to implement my design, I cannot withold this design from the public. It's more of an act of decency than anything. No, I am not some zealot on some Opensource crusade, I just have a serious problem with unethical behavior. I'll see if I can get on the Sourceforge team with my design.


Someone mentioned that they cannot finish stuff since they have a life (it was in this thread or the other)....I can seriously see that being the case....to quote Ren from Ren and Stimpy, "Why, I haven't bathed in over three weeks!". While I have bathed (somehwat), 75% of my spare time has gone into this thing. I have a new found respect for emulator authors. God bless each and every one of them if you believe in that sort of thing :)! I mean, think of the volumes of software released by these people over the years!


I really need to get my real screenshots up as opposed to simulation output so that I can put my virtual money where my idiotic virtual mouth is.....stay tuned :)! I'll start another thread once I get it up and running (hopefully by 3AM Eastern Time in the US).




PS With baseball season drawing near....LET'S GO BUCS !!!! :)

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