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New Version of The A-Team Found


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This weekend I picked up a later version of The A-Team for the 2600. This prototype is dated 5-8-84, and is much more complete than the version Best sold. The game itself is still nothing more than a graphics hack of Sabateur, but I still find it interesting. I'll post more about it on my webpage tomorrow.



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I got it from John Hardie after cleaing up his prototype collection. I found two lab loaners titled "A-Team 5-8-84", and he let me trade for one (cost me three prototypes). Actually one was only the EPROMs, I had to track down the empty case and a spare proto board to assemble it.


BTW, my proto pages due for a major over haul. Expect an easier to read format, more information, and more pictures!



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Since I didn't get the update on my webpage last night I thought I'd post my findings here. My site is going to be going through a few changes as it's moving to a new server and will have a new name (more about that later).


Anyway, here's what I noticed about this new version of The A-Team (insert cool bullet sound effects here)


* The bad aliens from Saboteur have been replaced by guys carrying rocket pieces, they actually look more like pizza delivery guys since they carry the part over their head. The aliens in the old version were just a hold over from Saboteur that hadn't been changed yet.


* The funky looking yellow guys (good aliens), have been replaced by a head. I think this is suppose to be Face (and ironically he's just a face). I don't know what the other yellow guys were since they had been changed from Saboteur (so they weren't a hold over like the other aliens). Anyone know? Could the other guys have been Murdock?


* The first board says "Save Murdock" instead of "Save Hannibal". I have no idea why the changed this.


* The skull and crossbones symbol when you kill a guy is a slightly different color (thanks to Scott Stilphen for noticing this).


* The second level back ground is a little more detailed. Instead of a blank BG it now has some gray and white bars and the walls are slightly different as well.


* I believe the text on the second board is different, but I can't remember how right now.


* The green robot/machine thing on the third board has been replaced by a helicopter.


* The explosion and death sound of the helicopter is different.


* The background on the third level has the same colored bars as the second level. It was plain black before.


* The A-Team theme that plays at the end of the game is different. It sounds alot better now.



There may be some more differences, but these are the ones I noticed right away. I'd say this version is 100% complete, although it still doesn't make much sense since it's a graphics hack of Saboteur. Anyone know why Atari decided to do this?


I know what your all thinking, when am I going to release the rom? Well the problem with that is that I traded for this proto after we had dumped my other protos so it didn't get dumped. I'll release it the next time I have access to a rom dumper (probably at the Philly Classic). It's really not that big an improvement over the A-Team proto that's floating around on the net. It's a little more complete graphically, but the gameplay is the same. Anyone know the date on the earlier A-Team proto?



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  • 9 months later...

Hi there!




Since I'm soon gonna order "A-Team" from Hozer, I'd love to get the most advanced version of the game. So I wonder wether the "Pizza Delivery Boys" variant is publically available?


I'd even offer to do a NTSC->PAL conversion, if required.




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How ironic that the 'master of prototypes' doesn't have an EPROM reader


Actually I do, but it seems to have problem reading certain EPROMs. When I tried to dump Sabouter and A-Team it said that no EPROM was inserted into the socket. I have no idea what the problem is.


I really do plan on making all my prototypes available, I just need to put them up on my page.


Incidentally John Hardie also has a copy of this prototype. In fact he's the one I got mine from in the first place! Maybe his EPROM reader works better than mine?



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It's a Pocket Programmer II. It just doesn't want to read some EPROMs. I'll have four EPROMs on a board (5200) and it will read 3 of the 4. It's really odd. It might be old software (I can't get updates since I bought it off Ebay and don't have the code), or it might be slightly static damaged EPROMs that are causing my picky reader to have troubles.


If there's an expert in the house please let me know!



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