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Great 7800 games?


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I'm going to collect that system whenever I get the chance also.


Galaga, Donkey Kong Jr., Ms. Pacman, and Dig Dug all look GREAT on this system.


But those are not "unique" 7800 titles...


So how bout Karateka, Food Fight, and maybe even the rare title Mean 18 (hard to find tho).


I've never actually played an Atari 7800 for real, only on an emulator, so consider that when taking my advice.

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Yes, there are the standard classics which are mostly upgrades of 2600 and 5200 games that are closer to the real arcade games...Joust, Dig Dug, Ms. Pacman, Foodfight, Donkey Kong&jr.,Galaga, Asteroids (really cool, with 2 plyr co-op&deathmatch modes), and a few others. But, the real gems are some of the computer ports and newer arcade classics that weren't on the 2600&5200 like: Tower Toppler, Ikari Warriors, Commando, Xevious, Midnight Mutants (7800 exclusive), One on One Basketball, Basket Brawl (7800&Lynx exclusive), Motor Psycho (7800 exclusive), Scrapyard Dog (7800&LYNX exclusive), Ball Blazer (this one was on the 5200), Alien Brigade (lightgun), Pole Position 2, Xenophobe, Double Dragon, Rampage, and many more. These are all great games.

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Originally posted by MacGurl:

So we have an Atari 7800 on the way...a system which I've never played. Are there any awesome games we should be on the lookout for?


Games to look out for:



Tower Toppler


Robotron 2084


Ms. Pac Man

Scrapyard Dog

Midnight Mutants


Ikari Warriors

Alien Brigade


Avoid Karateka if you can. Ithe 7800 version arguably th worst martial arts game ever released on any system. The XE version is much, MUCH better.


Mean 18 is good if you like golf games. The graphics are nice.

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If you only get one game for the Atari 7800, Ikari Warriors is by far the best game (plus it's got a good resale value at online auctions--guess it's sorta rare or something--I did very well on Ebay with that cart). The graphics are better than the Super NES version, and it's just involving and addictive--very high replay value.


One-on-One basketball ranks right up there too. The animation is a tad slow at times, but it's pure action. The dunking sequences are nice, and they did a good job recreating basketball moves. Depending on how and when you shoot the ball, that's how your shot looks. Very challenging against the computer on higher difficulty levels. Unfortunately, it's the only sports game worth anything on this system (Pete Rose baseball might be good, but haven't played it on the 7800, just the 2600). RS Football and Baseball are awful, and even the Epyx Winter and Summer Games are a bit boring (although they look great).


Robotron is amazing, just for the sheer fact that so much is going on at one time. A definite must.


Fatal Run (think Pole Position meets James Bond--oil slicks, missles, etc.) has so-so graphics but very intense gameplay. Again, high resale value on Ebay sometimes.


A lot of fans put Scrapyard Dog up there too, but it's a rehash of Mario Brothers style games but about 3 levels into the game the jumps and manuevers are virtually impossible, making you want to take a car and run over it so it doesn't take up your time playing it again.


Tower Toppler looks great, but I found it B-O-R-I-N-G and too difficult.


The arcade games (Pole Position, Centipede, Joust, and a very 3D Asteroids) are good if not predictable.


Dark Chambers is an easy game, but the challenge is seeing if you have the ability to stay away through all bizillion levels. I've never been able to.


[ 06-05-2002: Message edited by: utamav91 ]

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The 7800 has a few things about it that make it cool:


Good beataable games, like:

- Midnight Mutants

- Scrapyard Dog

- Fatal Run

- Double Dragon

- Ikari Warriors

- Ninja Golf (an excellent conversation piece as well as a good game)

- Alien Brigade


Good head-to-head games, like:

- Hat Trick

- Ballblazer


Good arcade classics (as some mentioned before)


and the system had graphics that rivaled the Nintendo Entertainment System, which some later games weren't afraid to use.


-John K. Harvey

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Originally posted by Atariken64:

klax? can you really get that?


Oh yeah...It's a really good port too. I wish it had better sound.


From what I have read here on the message boards, both www.atari7800.com and ResQsoft will have the Klax games available soon. You can get the link to Lee's ResQsoft site from his post above.

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If you can get ahold of Planet Smashers, I'd recommend that one too. It's a vertical shooter. Almost reminds you of Galaga, but only a lot harder. This game is the prequel to Alien Brigade (another must have.)


Another good one is Fatal Run. Like Pole Position, but to the nth degree. Excellent racing game.


And like a lot of other people have said, the arcade ports are all very good too. they are very faithful to the originals. Just check out Ms.Pacman and Centipede.

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From what I have read here on the message boards, both www.atari7800.com  and ResQsoft will have the Klax games available soon. You can get the link to Lee's ResQsoft site from his post above.


Yes, I will have Klax available very soon. Most of the carts are made. I am finalizing the printing and the stuff with the programmer. I will have a small amount of NTSC Sentinels as well. The new boxes are very cool. They look like the original releases. I'll ask Alex to post a pic.


Hang tight....



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The Top Ten 7800 Games are:


1. Tower Toppler 95%

2. Alien Brigade 94%

3. Commando 94%

4. Ballblazer 91%

5. Klax 89%

6. Joust 87%

7. Ninja Golf 86%

8. Desert Falcon 86%

9. Basketbrawl 86%

10. Xevious 85%


(Although the Basketbrawl one is a bit dubious when only two people vote. One with a low score another with a high one.)


My personal favorite game for the 7800 is Food Fight.


Check out http://www.ataritimes.com/classics/reviews/78list.html to see how all the games rank. (Add some more votes to this list to help even out those "dubious" high rankers!)

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I think I'm one in a million - but I think Ninja Golf stinks.


The controls are yetchy, the levels are mundane, and the sound is horrific (that "sst - sst - sst - sst - sst - sst" when the player runs is enough to drive me bonkos!)


Guess we can't love'em all!





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Originally posted by Tizoc:

If you can get ahold of Planet Smashers, I'd recommend that one too. It's a vertical shooter. Almost reminds you of Galaga, but only a lot harder. This game is the prequel to Alien Brigade (another must have.)

It's a good game except for the "when the earth shield goes away, you lose all the lives you've accumulated" rule. That one thing drives me nuts!


-John K. Harvey

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Re: Jinks


I don't mind owning Jinks and playing it once and awhile, but I wish there was more of a definitive end to the game. It seems like you can play level 1 about three times (using the "interlude", and then you're at level 1's hardest setting. So, consequent returns to level 1 don't gain you much. The same can be said with regards to the other levels.

Plus, does the opening sreen have anything to do with gameplay? I guess if there were some Mini-bosses, then it would get ranked higher in my book, but for now, it's only an ok.

Has anyone ever played a level for a few hours to verify that you can't actually beat a level?


-John K. Harvey

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