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Another new guy with link to his collection. :)


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Dont visit the speccy page then :P

The Spectrum and Commodore pages were originaly split but i rejoined them.The webpage tracker told me that other 85% of visitors the first year had 512k/Broadband upwards plus i personaly do not know anybody who does not have broadband now.

So i designed the retro pages acordingly,

Sorry! :sad:

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Nice collection.  I see that you are also collecting label variations.  I'm glad it's you and not me - my wife would shoot me.  She already thinks 260-some games is way too much!


Mine thinks that 40 or so are too many!!!! :D


Mine helps me find them.... :D

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I will more than like die in an earthquake buried under a pile of my own games. I used to be a casual collector, and then became friends with a guy who has over 4000(!!) games in his collection. Now I spend way to much time doing this. Anyway, welcome to AA!

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LOL I like your hidden words!!!!!!! LOL


check the picture:


That's a leftover from when those annoying arseholes contacted my old ISP with one of them random "cease and desist" emails for finding "key" words on my site (such as Mario, Donkey Kong etc). Thinking of course I was in the business of pirating games and so on. Mario was part of "Mario Bros", and the only part of my site that was on, was my wants list page!


Nevertheless my ISP pulled my site within 24 hours and refused to put it back up despite my showing that the accusers didn't have a leg to stand on.


So I moved. And had no problems since. But I figured I'd stick something up to show my disgust.


Of course they are no longer called the IDSA, I'll have to remind myself what it is (but they organise E3 amongst other things aside from randomly accuss people of breaching "copyright").

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