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When did you buy your Lynx?


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I bought mine when they first debuted. Loved it, even though I only had two games. The Lynx was a nice little portable, and its a shame that it wasn't around long enough to reach its potential. What is even more mind-boggling is how the b/white gameboy outsold all other color portables at the time.


Second fav portable would have to be the pc engine gt.

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Got mine in 1990 from Dixons when they had just dropped the price to £129.99. Got it from there because they were offering any game in the package and I really wanted Xenophobe after loving in the arcade, was a bit dissapointed the music was missing but apart from that it was awesome and played it non-stop until i got my second game a few weeks later which was Roadblasters. That was the first time I heard Lynx speech and was amazed, until I heard Klax that is . . . . One of my friends at school had an imported Game Gear and I thought that was amazing and was gonna get one (as were all my mates) till I played California Games in a shop (think it was Dixons too they had all 3 handhelds along side and it was easy to see which one was the best) the strange thing is the assistant in the shop when I got it was trying to persuade me to get a G.G, he must of been on comission, I wonder how many people changed their minds? It was the summer holidays at the time and it was so funny cos when I got back to school 3 of my other mates had all got Lynx's too! My friend with the Game Gear was on his own while we all played Comlynx California Games and Zarlor Mercenary in the playground! It eventully broke, my brother dropped it snapping the card slot door and the power socket and promptly dropped a glass of lemonade on it too for good measure! It was insured so I swapped it for a Lynx 2 which I still have to this day. The Lynx still remains my favourite console/computer ever. It had unbelievable titles at the launch and the arcade ports were second to none, its a shame no third parties ever really signed up and I think thats what eventully killed it. The guys at Epyx created a masterpiece that will always be admired.

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I got mine in the summer of '96 during one of Don Thomas's internet blow-out deals from the Atari Jag-Wire website...


I'd have to dig out the receipt to see what I paid, but I got a heck of a deal. A Lynx II bundled with four games (Robotron 2084, Electrocop, Gates of Zendecon, Shanghai) , a power adaptor, and the D-cell battery pack (along with an XM301 8-bit modem for the hell of it... it was only a couple of bucks...). The only game that I've bought for it since then was PacLand from Toad Computers in 1996.





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I bought mine in '98 for about $15,- (Fl.30,- in old Dutch money, no sign of the Euro in '98 :) ) at a local toy store.

The games where sold for $2,50, I bought 6.


After about 6 months I got 13 games and a carrying bag for free from my neighbour after his kids had broken (killed?) their two Lynxs.


Lucky me :D

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You bought those Lynx games at a toystore named Intertoys perhaps? Me too...they only had a few titles left, but they were very cheap so I also bought some (I think I bought 5 games).

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  • 3 weeks later...

I do remember my eyes nearly popping out the first time I plugged in & played Awesome Golf.



As an aside, the first jaw-dropping Lynx game I can remember playing was Klax. I couldn't believe they had ported that one onto a tiny Lynx card, and am still impressed with it today. I think that the Lynx had one of the strongest initial lineup of games I've ever seen for a system; all of the Epyx efforts were incredible! :)



I bought a Lynx I unit on eBay back in 2000 with California Games for $40. A few weeks later, I bought a copy of Klax (still sealed and shrinkwrapper), and I was friggin' amazed at how arcade-perfect Klax was on the Lynx. I thought about buying one of those Lynx II bundles (system and 4 games for $70) back in 1995, but I passed on it for Doom (for the Jaguar). I also bought a Lynx AC adapter after I bought my system, and I'm gonna hunt for a Lynx II system (to me, the Lynx II looks WAY more attractive and not so overly huge).

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I purchased my Lynx in 1994, I was still a young kid at that stage. The unit cost a whole $52 (AUD). Brand new, this was a bargain. I saved for so long to buy the lynx. 11 years on I haven't looked back. The Lynx is still my favourite protable console.

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I bought mine (Lynx 1) second hand in 1989 from some kid in school. I then spent all my money on carts, bags and rechargable batteries. Played it on and off for the next few years until it was buried in the back of the cupboard. I have recently rediscovered it and it still works, plus I have some great games on it. I think this man I'm a collector now....

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got my lynx from telegames uk in 2001.. I was always a game gear man during school (or should i say boy!) lynx was always in the back of my mind but there was never any money around in those days, so when i was earning my own i got a lynx (realise now i coulda got a much better deal had i gone onto ebay but this was before i even owned a computer), the game choices I made at the times were Roadblasters (love it) Bill and ted (found it annoying) SIMIS (addictive) Batman returns (wish it was not so hard) and Ulimate chess that came in with the deal (whatever)


since then I have travelled round oz and new zealand...during my 2nd trip to oz i picked up and bought home around 50 lynx titles (I found they were cheap relative to the pound and bled oz dry of its 2nd hand carts!!) Now I am on a mission to complete the set!!

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I've added a Lynx 2 to the collection now so I can finally try to complete Xenphobe on two player!  I have the option on a second Lynx 2 but I'm torn.  Would you rather have two Lynx 2's or one of each?



Well I've got one of each - no point havin two of the same thing!

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I bought mine in '90 (w/ Zarlor) after I'd bought a GB... saw the GB sucked and took it back to the store. I'd collected a few games but being a college poorboy, I didn't get that many.


In '98, I stumbled into a Gamestop that had a bunch of games someone traded in 'cuz the guy felt sorry for fella. I bought 5 or 6 games, the screen protector, and a travel bag for $1 each. Lucky I guess.


My nephew brought over his PSP to show off. He couldn't believe the Lynx's graphics and sound. He was born the same year I bought the Atari! :)

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I think it was '97 or '98. I fell in love with it back in '91 but that was college and of course, no money. Once I started working and figured out what a savings account was, I started netsurfing for vendors and making lists of all the games I wanted and what price. When the package arrived at work I just about jumped for joy. I ripped it open, hooked up the AC, jammed in Electrocop and powered on. Ohh YEAAAHHH!!

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I got mine probably in 2002. I had always wanted one since they debuted, but I never had any money to buy one. So in 2002 I was on half.com and found somebody selling one with 10 games for $75 and I bought it. The 10 games included Battle Wheels, Warbirds, Xenophobe, Blue Lightning, Slime World, and a couple more common ones, I think.


I bought a second Lynx a few years later because it was on Ebay for a great BIN price, and it came with a lot of games I didn't have yet. I later gave that Lynx and 8 sealed games to my best friend for Christmas. We still play Rampart comlynxed when he and his wife visit.

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