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Most difficult Lynx game


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As many of you know, the Lynx has a lot of games that are extremely difficult. I was wondering what you all think are the most difficult ones.

For me they are (at least from the ones I have):

- Dirty Larry (1 life and no continues)

- Batman Returns (again 1 life and no continues)

- Gordo 106

Maybe I'm just crap at these.

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Batman Returns by far. If you can get to the end with one life, no continues, and instant death drops everywhere then you're a better man than I.


I also found Gauntlet III to be nearly impossible to get to the end. More of an endurance thing than overall difficulty though.



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Raiden is extremely difficult and would get my vote as the most difficult that I've played.


I'm sure I've mentioned this before but the secret to Batman is to just run past everything until you get to the bosses. I couldn't get anywhere in this game but my 10yo son played it the first time and went straight to the boss. Silly me for thinking you actually had to fight the bad guys :P

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The only way I could finish Batman Returns was using the cheat...the ending was one of the most horrible ever!!! I'm glad I never finished it the hard way (without cheat), I would have been really pissed off!!!

Your right, Gauntlet III is also very tough.

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Raiden is really tough because there is simply not enough room to maneuver with your ship and all those kamikaze enemies firing bazillion bullets at you. The others mentioned are equally tough because of insane control issues. I would put Desert Strike in there too becasue after the first mission it is really hard to get through without runnning out of fuel or ammo. Throw in Shadow of the Beast which is without a doubt tougher than overcooked pork chops to getthrough.

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gauntlet isnt that bad tbh ,im no amazing gamer and i finished it yrs ago ,it did take approx 8 hrs to complete tho lol.


never pld the lynx ver of shadow of the beast ,but if its anything like the Amiga version then itll be almost impossible :)

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The Shadow of the Beast series is notorious for being extremely difficult. Batman Returns is easy once you figure out how to "cheap" your way through each level. Dirty Larry is difficult only in how crappy the game is. Anyone who can manage to not throw the game down in disgust before reaching the end deserves a medal. As for my vote for toughest Lynx game, I'll have to stick with Shadow of the Beast.

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What I can remember is that Shadow of the Beast on the Amiga was a lot more difficult. The Lynx version is very difficult, but not impossible, you just have to know where to go and what to do. To be very honest I have never finished it, but I did came very close.

Toki is also quite tough, but even I finished it (I'm not the world's best gamer and always lose lives because I do stupid things).

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"I always had trouble with Zarlor Mercenary, you get so overwhealmed with dozens of those tiny enemies you don't have a chance unless you have the perfect spot to fire the pefect weapon, otherwise... you're dead!"



These were exactly my thoughts, until I was playing with a few Lynxfriends, for the sake of comlynxfun, and we were talking about difficult Lynxgames


So one of the guys said, that Zarlor wasn't that hard at all

I said, show us, and we started playing

During the game, we all lost our lives, except him, he kept on playing, and beat the game, no sweat


It took him about 20 - 30 mins to finish the game from start

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As many of you know, the Lynx has a lot of games that are extremely difficult. I was wondering what you all think are the most difficult ones.

For me they are (at least from the ones I have):

- Dirty Larry (1 life and no continues)

- Batman Returns (again 1 life and no continues)

- Gordo 106

Maybe I'm just crap at these.



I guess it's the same with all games. The more you play - the better you get.


Gordo 106: I don't think this game is that difficult. I have played through the game all the way to the last level.


Dirty Larry: I think many people just try this game a few times, thinks it's a horrible game and put it aside. I did just that. I always hated Dirty Larry. But yesterday I sat down and played it for one and a half hour. I still think this game isn't very good but....it's kind of fun anyway. :) Because every enemy appears at the same spot every time you can easily memorise each level. And the good thing is you play some levels more then once (like the subway and the first level.) And most of the time you just have to deal with one enemy at a time not a endless flow like in Batman.


My vote for hardest game goes to: Shadow of the Beast.

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Nope, I can't help you with that...I'm so bad with this game that I normally don't get past level 3 or something (I already said I'm crap with Dirty Larry, and I really meant it). Maybe I have to play it more often to get some more practice...haven't played it in a while.


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  • 2 months later...

I've finished Shadow Of The Beast on lynx and the end sucks : your guy get back to his human form then he run away, neverending, with a text on it :(

the challenge is hard, but like Chtulhu said "you just have to know where to go and what to do" :)

I've finished Rampage without cheating, it takes me a day to destroy the 60 towns... but at least, the end is cool !!!


Batman is way too hard, i don't understand how the guys who've done games estimated that it would be nice if there's no continue in their games...


from the game i own, i've never finished Toki, STUN Runner, Slime World (unless the 1st mission), Klax (i'm too slow !)

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I would say that Raiden is the hardest game that I have played on the Lynx.  It is much harder than versions for other systems.



It certainly is very difficult if you miss or fail to pick up any of the powerups. If you get the first two on the first level, though, it's pretty easy to finish the first level without losing a ship.

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I didn't find Toki to be that hard. It's hard but compared to Batman Returns it's pretty easy. Hard Driving is tough too. I think the only people who play that one are those who were getting their driver's licenses when it was in the arcades like me. It was a good driving simulator for the time.

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This left/right thing is not what kills me, it's the "kitchenfloor" stage


I find this section really difficult, and it takes some time to get to this stage, so I haven't really gave it a try since then


It's a pity, because I personally think this game is not so bad

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This left/right thing is not what kills me, it's the "kitchenfloor" stage


I find this section really difficult, and it takes some time to get to this stage, so I haven't really gave it a try since then


It's a pity, because I personally think this game is not so bad



So that's really how the game is supposed to be? You're not supposed to be able to go left on "Kung Food"? So my Lynx isn't broken???

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