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2600 Giant list Labels, boxes, manuals, UPDATED!


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It's Phil's list and he can go crazy if he likes! But I tend to agree that differences that "could" be attributed to the printing process would lead to virtually infinite variations. I gave up on trying to figure out if I had the small, smaller, or smallest ® version of combat when I could not differentiate with the naked eye. I think I kept multiple versions of either 51 blackjack or 41 surround becuase there was a visible width difference in the end label. But is that due to the printing process or did they make a second set of masters with an accidentally wider font?


I think a note at the top of a company could be made that mentions what variations can happen due to printing or fading. For example, there are all kind of odd looking Sears carts with ghost images or background fading. And Panda carts seem to come out of unopend boxes with dark maroon labels, but loose carts in the wild have a lighter shade of purple depending on the amount of exposure. Activision labels will fade too, making it seem like a legit variation.

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I just ran across an interesting variant. For the longest time, I thought this was just a faded end label, but I happned to look more closely at it and realized that it wasn't faded, it was plastic with the typical fuzzy and washed out printing that is characteristic of those labels. Moreover, the main label is plastic too! The only other cart I have with plastic main and end labels is an Atari, Corp. Sky Diver.




There is also this entry on your list for Football.


Football CX2625

f) U PicBl ©1978, CART1, green letters, ML: EL: plastic


Does that mean that both the ML and EL are plastic?

Edited by Christophero Sly
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Glad that people are inputing. If the majority thinks that the Blackjack with the rounded letters should be removed, then I'll do it. The end label is a true variant. You can't just come up with 4mm out of nowhere. Too big of a difference. Also, the metallic foil main label is a true variation to me. Since I personally own all these carts, it was a lot easier for me to distinguish differences than if I was looking at scans from someone else.


As for the Asteroids and the CX, I'm keeping that. There is a difference where the two have a colored in numbers. Having the blue outline and not having a blue outline around the product number is not a printing breakdown at all.


Yes, I'm going crazy. :) But it's still a fun crazy.


As for the Football variation, I haven't reached it yet, and like I mentioned before, if I can't confirm it, then I may remove it or put a ?. And yes, ML: EL: means that both main and end labels are plastic.


I have a long road ahead of me. Probably not going to do much over the weekend since I have to do grades for the end of marking period.


I do not scrutinize over slight color variations because I do understand that printing will break down and colors will blur or get lighter.


Keep up the good work all who are helping me. After I get through all the labels, I'll do a final review on Staberinde's site to make sure I didn't miss anything. Also, I still need help with scans of many boxes, so follow the titles as I complete them and send me any scans of the boxes I don't have. That includes all the Sears. There's still too many holes there.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, this week has gone a little slow, but I'm still moving along. I've now finished up to Combat. The one thing I discovered is that there are now 3 box variations for Circus Atari that I do not have scans of. 2 of them are the later issue printed in Taiwan, 5 language versions. Again, if anyone can fill in my holes, please do so.


Combat is unto itself a couple of hours project. At one time, I believe I owned about 120 Combat cartridges, and probably still own a good 50-60. The rest were sent to Albert for credit awhile back. There are 22 different variations listed with Combat. I'm hoping that I have the majority of them to confirm their existence. Hopefully I won't find any additional ones since 22 seems like enough. I believe this game has the most variations. There are also 9 different boxes listed, which I wouldn't doubt there may be a 10th. Again, I'm hoping to come across most of these. I plan on finishing Combat within 3 days, depending on how much time I have after I get home from work. I'll post here once it is finished. I'd like everyone to review the list and see what variations I'm missing scans of. Since everyone seems to own tons of Combats, I think I'd get the most input on this title.


Anyway, I'm coming along and so far things are going fine. And like I always say, thanks in advance for all help and contributions.



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I decided to start doing the Combat today. I already found a new box variation with the gatefold cover. The one shown on Atari age is now the first version. I'm not sure which came first, but this will be box #1 on the list. There is a slight variation with the back, but the big difference is the slot where the manual goes. The photo shown here of the inside has the slit going from top to bottom. I've attached a photo here of what I'm going to call box #2, which is also a gatefold box, but the slit is on the bottom. This is a similar box to the Intellivision boxes. The website will not show this until I finish the Combat section completely.


Now the dilemma. I'll need some help from you guys. I want to confirm if possible that the other gatefold boxes with the original games either do or do not have similar variations. This may also go for the Sears boxes. What I'm going to do over the next couple of days is look at my Air Sea Battle and Blackjack to see which type of gatefold box it is and I will note it on the website by Wednesday. The only other gatefold boxes I own are Star Ship, Surround, and Video Olympics. One of my quests was to own all the gatefold boxes.


Anyway, here is the photo of the variation. If anyone can confirm the others that I've done so far, if you own more than one of these and are different, please let me know. Thanks.




I changed my mind. I put both versions for your convenience. The second one is Box #1.



Edited by Philflound
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I've begun Combat as of yesterday and am working on the carts I have in my possession along with any scans I'm getting from various other sources. With the original 1977 release, these were the variations I got so far. #1 has a large ® on the Atari logo, 2 and 3 have a small one.


1. TM not on Combat, but is on the game variations

2. no TM on either Combat title nor game variations

3. TM on Combat, but not on game variations


I'm looking for one variation in particular to see if it exists. One where there is a TM on Combat AND on the game variations. Please look at your labels and see if you have this. I'm showing you the three variations below.






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Alright, I'm done with Combat! I added one variation with the cart and 3 more boxes. I updated the descriptions to better identify both carts and boxes.


I'm missing only 1 cartridge variation scan.


2nd txt no ©, CART1, rust letters, medium ®, Taiwan, glossed label


I'm missing 2 box scans too. One is the printed in Macau on the back. The other is a red background warranty box with the © outside the box and Printed in USA on the back fo the box.


Anyone with any of these 3 items can send me scans I'd appreciate it. :)


Website will be updated within a few minutes.



Edited by Philflound
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I have both of the Combat gatefold box variants, but didn't realize you didn't have them listed yet. Don't know why I never brought it up. Combat is also the only gatefold box to have the vertical manual slot from what I've seen. I tend to feel the vertical slot came first, then the slanted slot, which is consistent with the other gatefolds. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...



I have emailed you a combat box scan that you asked for...


''The other is a red background warranty box with the © outside the box and Printed in USA on the back fo the box''


Hope this is what you are after. I am confused though why you have not used the part numbers of the box for identification in your list. The scan I have sent for this particular box description of yours is catalogued as...


A-C011822-01 G-C014060-01 REV 4


This particular print was made in Sept 1980 (see end flaps), but I also have it printed in Nov 1980 (same catalogue number and revision).


Atari put part numbers on (almost) everything, and although I see you have used them to refer to the catalogues, you have not for the boxes.


Please excuse this FNG, but by know you will realise that there may be more variations than you have listed. Don't scream, I think you have done a sterling job with your list, but it might just have got longer.


kiai by name, kiai by nature

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I want to address to you that when it was printed (month as you imply) will not be counted as seperate entries. Just like all those different dated stamped end labels on the carts aren't counted as seperate variations. If I did this, people would find me ridiculous, which they may already, and the list would probably be 3 times as long. It's not necessary. Just like it was agreed that some fading or the ink getting lighter, or the die getting worn isn't a true variation.


I'm done through Dig Dug now and it's officially up on the website. This brought much surprise to me, especially with the boxes. I originally only had 2 boxes for this game, but now have 6 on the list. I'm doing my homework and am going through dozens more boxes that I have down in my basement that I never really took a look at. I was stockpiling for the future. When I'm done with updating the list, I'm going to list all games for sale in their various boxes, with various instruction manuals. In fact I may sell manuals seperately if I have extras.


My wantlist is on my gpdgames website and if anyone has items I need, please get in touch with me. I have to review it to make sure it is current though, but if you see items on there you have for trade/sale, let me know.



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Today I finished up through F now on the Atari. For those of you on the list, you have just received it via email. The website will be updated by the end of the day.


I have found many more variations due to the scans from the sites I've been using along with my own stock. This goes for carts and boxes and also includes some new additions to the manuals. Again I ask that if you have any information that can help me with my ? please send it to me. Also, if you have scans that I do not, please PM them to me here on AA.


One thing I did was add an entry for a Fun with Numbers box. I'm assuming that the text version had a color box and did not come in the grey-tone box. I've yet to find a scan of a color box though. Can anyone who owns one please send me a scan of front and back? Also, if this possibly did not exist, can someone clarify that?


I found a slight variation that I noted in Football, but did not put as a seperate entry. I have 2 boxes that look exactly the same. Except when I open the bottom flap, the tiny sub-flap that has the Rev 4 is different. One is white and one is green. One has the product numbers and Rev 4 going from right to left, the other has it from bottom to top going up. Besides a slight tone color difference, these boxes look exactly the same to me. Does anyone have both versions of this box and do they know of a difference that I am not seeing? Please let me know.


Thanks for your help and I'll get working on the G's real soon.



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Phil, don't get me wrong. I totally agree that such date differences do not constitute a true variation as you pointed out...


I want to address to you that when it was printed (month as you imply) will not be counted as seperate entries. Just like all those different dated stamped end labels on the carts aren't counted as seperate variations. If I did this, people would find me ridiculous, which they may already, and the list would probably be 3 times as long. It's not necessary. Just like it was agreed that some fading or the ink getting lighter, or the die getting worn isn't a true variation.


But the reason I mentioned the date difference is because when trying to compare a multitude of boxes, the dates will quickly help identify possible alterations between printing runs like the ones you stated in the next post...


I found a slight variation that I noted in Football, but did not put as a seperate entry. I have 2 boxes that look exactly the same. Except when I open the bottom flap, the tiny sub-flap that has the Rev 4 is different. One is white and one is green. One has the product numbers and Rev 4 going from right to left, the other has it from bottom to top going up. Besides a slight tone color difference, these boxes look exactly the same to me. Does anyone have both versions of this box and do they know of a difference that I am not seeing? Please let me know.


Once again, these differences may not constitute a true variation, it could just be due to some hippy on the production line having changed his hash supplier. I was just trying to highlight to everyone that the printing date is the easiest and quickest way to sometimes spot the variation in box and manual design. I am amazed how many combat boxes (and carts) have passed through my hands from the same printing run! :!:



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By the way, are you doing all this yourself? If you are, then you must be working like a dog, boyo.


I ask because your list is currently running at about 3000 cart label variations, whereas a combinition list I use, between atariage, atarimania and atari guide totals about 7000 variations (excluding duplicates) . And these are not complete either. Do you reckon you can achieve what these sites have not?


You have done a cracking job on the Atari list by the way, as it has helped me identify the odd cart that I didn't know existed, ;) .



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This list constitutes pretty much all NTSC companies. Some of these companies may have PAL releases included, but I am not including pirates nor foreign countries. This list was not originally created by me. It was known as the giant list of variations. I was one of the original contributors to the list though and added many entries to the list before I decided to take it over. The list has easily doubled in size since I took it over. The original list was abandoned about 5 or 6 years ago.


You say that I must be working like a dog on this list. I've been working on this for a couple of years now, maybe even three. During that time I've taken time off, sometimes for months, since it is not easy to compile.


I've revamped it and included as many variations for the game that was released under the original company. That includes 1st, 2nd and 3rd text variations, picture labels, silver labels, grey labels, red labels, brown labels, PAL and anything else that was officially released by the company.


I've enhanced the box entries tenfold. The box entries that were there were extremely few and weren't always accurate with the information. The big thing I discovered with the boxes is that for Atari and Sears, some boxes had the glued flap style, which was the little 2" tab that was glued on back and tucked into the top flap vs the standard flap, which was the entire top flap tucking in from one side of the box to the other.


I added manuals for each entry. This was not included in the original giant list so this was my own project. I decided not to take scans of manuals since there were just too many pages to scan. It would take up too much time and space on the hard drive.


I added any other paperwork to the list which included extras such as comics, posters, insert sheets with individual games and also added owner's manuals, warranty cards/sheets, and catalogs.


Several months ago I decided to compile scans of every cart and box entry on the list. With the original list, there were too many bogus, incomplete, or guessed variations. I decided that if I was going to have an entry on the list, I wanted the scan to prove its existance. That was so there would be no argument that this variation exists. I'm keeping the scans on my hard drive, but when I'm finished, I'm going to share my scans with Rom Hunter so the Atarimania site has them for everyone to view at any time. The only difficulty we may have is what year which variation came out in. I don't have time lines and many times a cart will be released during a later year with a copyright date 5-10 years earlier.


And finally as I've mentioned before, I'm expanding myself once the Atari 2600 games are done, to Intellivision and Colecovision. I'm choosing Intellivision first because I have probably a good 400 boxed games in stock, most of the commons I'll have 8-12 copies complete in the box. This will not include all the extra overlays I have, manuals, and if I can find them, a few hundred loose carts. Doing these two systems will be much easier due to the fact that they have like under 150 games released for each system or so.


Tomorrow I start with Galaxian. Depending on how much time I want to spend this week, I may get through M. I'll keep people posted.



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I'm zipping along. I'm now done through H and rolling. A few more variations came along. One that I noticed was the text of Human Cannonball with the large ®. There is a larger font for the end label. This being so long a title, it was more noticable, so I actually measured it. One end label is 51.5 mm and the other is 53mm. The larger one has a pink end label too. I don't know if this was made that way or not, but I put it down.


Does anyone have the Home Run 1986 with the typo? I'm also still looking for more box variations. Thank you to those who have sent me scans. Please send all scans here. PM me. My email doesn't like large files and for some reason when I get some pictures through the email, I can't save them. Go figure. I need to call Verizon and see what's up with that.


Anyway, please help out if you can. My target date of summer to finish this may be too long. It may happen by end of April. :)



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  • 3 weeks later...

Does anyone have the Home Run 1986 with the typo? I'm also still looking for more box variations.

I've never seen it, but it's mentioned on the Giant LVAR list. It's surprising that it hasn't turned up yet given that all the other Atari, Corp. Homerun variants are so common. Homerun is one of the titles with a variant that has a sticker with the correct text applied over the error. Perhaps the printer attached these stickers to all the error labels before they made it out the door. In that scenario, the reference on the Giant LVAR list could be a case where someone peeled off the correction sticker.
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You mention maybe someone peeled the label off. I actually considered this, and from the looks of it, may be the case. If that is so, then would it count as a legitimate variation? I've mentioned before how variations can be created, and that I'd like people to try and be honest about variations being legit and that they found them originally made that way. Nowadays, it's extremely easy to make phoney labels, but that is not what the whole project is about. It isn't about money. It's about expanding out hobby beyond the playability of the games. And I've been doing my part to help that along. I haven't touched the list this week, and thus am still just finished with J so far. I am going to work on it some more though in the next few days, else it'll never get done.


I did however fix a few things that I found. I purchased some boxes from Atariguide, which besides helping my collection a little, gave me more insight and a few scans of some of the boxes I was missing.


Anyway, I'll keep everyone posted. I think once I'm done with the list, I may start a new thread about it with all the info I'd like to point out, or ask for right in the beginning. It'll be a fresh start.



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You mention maybe someone peeled the label off. I actually considered this, and from the looks of it, may be the case. If that is so, then would it count as a legitimate variation?

I would imagine that any label that has had it's sticker removed would show some telltale signs that the sticker was once present. I've seen such labels before and, from the markings and residue left in that area, it was obvious that those labels once had a sticker. I don't think any label showing these signs should be considered a legitimate variant.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a Dig Dug (actually 3 of them if you want one) that is the same as type a, except that it is a type 2 cart.




Also, galaxian type a and b can be differentiated easily by the fact that type a has no * above galaxian on the main label, and type b does. No need to measure the distances... :)

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I think you meant user unfriendly. The actual list is in MS Word. It's fine looking in that format and you can add yourself to my email list if you'd like updates. Just PM me your email address and I'll get the current list to you and when I do a decent amount of updates, you'll receive a new update. The list right now is about 118 pages I believe. Alphabetical by company is probably the best way to go and was the way the original giant list was done.



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