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[Lepix] Eru is still looking for a mouse support


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maybe you heard about the quite promising product called "Lepix". When it was announced in May05 I was excited to see such a great new pixel painter with some very unique and never seen features on the 8bit (modules, great zoom mode, flexibility on graphic modes, etc.). Lepix is also one of the few 8bit open sourced products which is registered at SourceForge:






However, Lepix got no updates for several weeks now. Also one featue which is still missing but in my humble opinion VERY important is an ATARI ST or Amiga mouse support. In the FAQ of the project, Eru wrote that he had various difficulties in implementing this.


I know, that there were quite a lot of Atari ST and Amiga mouse implementations for the xl/xe. Maybe we can help out Eru if we can provide him examples and different implementations or just discuss this topic here. Furthermore this eventually brings up some fresh ideas into this project. Eru also should know that there is a user base which is interested to see a finished project here.



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Thanks for the nice words about the project!

It is a bit dead recently, since I had a very hard time at my work...


About the mouse:

Unfortunatelly, the solution presented at Heaven's website just doesn't work.

The problem is, the mouse resolution is 4-bit only, meaning it can only have 16 positions in each dimension. Probing each frame is not enough, as fast mouse movements are impossible to detect. And probing more than once a frame is a bit hard in Lepix, as it uses plenty of interrupts. I will try to do something about it eventually, but it's not an easy task (if we want it to be available in all the modes).


In the meantime, you can admire new gfx mode available in lepicon :)

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Thanks for the nice words about the project!

It is a bit dead recently, since I had a very hard time at my work...


About the mouse:

Unfortunatelly, the solution presented at Heaven's website just doesn't work.

The problem is, the mouse resolution is 4-bit only, meaning it can only have 16 positions in each dimension. Probing each frame is not enough, as fast mouse movements are impossible to detect. And probing more than once a frame is a bit hard in Lepix, as it uses plenty of interrupts. I will try to do something about it eventually, but it's not an easy task (if we want it to be available in all the modes).


In the meantime, you can admire new gfx mode available in lepicon :)



How about an USB Mouse. The USB Mouse resolution is very fine (down to the pixel).


Sample Source is here



Best regards



Edited by cas
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I didn't know USB mice could be used with atari ;)

(btw, is plural of mouse 'mice' also for computer mouses/mices? :) )


a mouse with e.g. 8-bit precision should be fast enough except for very fast moves, if you can poll it every frame.


I wonder if there is any atari emulator that would emulate usb support, without it I'm not able to play with it.


In the meantime I will try to incorporate mouse checks a bit more often in the Lepix, so the accuracy should be improved.


In principle, I have to apologize for not maintaining Lepix - since the beginning of this year I'm constantly either having a deadline or travelling around the world, so I didn't have time and energy to do anything. Still, any feedback really motivates me, so I will try to do my best.

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It's really hard to believe polling a mouse 50x a second with a 4-bit resolution would work. So we either need a better resolution (USB mouse) or a higher frequency.



Some things will never work on the A8, or don't even make sense.

I would propose to create some small interface that adapts the mouse-signal into Joystick positions.


Building extensions within the USB Cartidge that converts a detected Mouse-info into "per software readable" values, like Direction, Speed, Stepwidth.

Those could be read in standard VBI.


BTW: USB-Cart.

With DMA-capabilites for external Drives, I would be the first buying it :ponder:

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Building extensions within the USB Cartidge that converts a detected Mouse-info into "per software readable" values, like Direction, Speed, Stepwidth.

Those could be read in standard VBI.


USB mice are sending back the x/y replacement in pixel. There is no need to poll. Just ask rthe USB mouse about the x/y replacement, add this to your x/y coordinates and move player or shape.


ERU, I can lent you an USB Cart for development. Send me your address on private e-mail.


Best regards



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Carsten, thanks for your offer.

However, I just started my 3-months trip to the USA, I don't have access to an Atari, so I guess USB mouse will have to be postponed until next year. Still, I hope to find some time here to do some development, we shall see.

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Carsten, thanks for your offer.

However, I just started my 3-months trip to the USA, I don't have access to an Atari, so I guess USB mouse will have to be postponed until next year. Still, I hope to find some time here to do some development, we shall see.



hey this is an open source project. It's not necessarily your part to make this work :) .. What Cas wrote sounds not so complex if you ask me. It's more or less to read out some values and the move the pointer. But I am no experienced machine language coder so maybe I can't see the whole complexity.


Cas maybe we can do this together? Unfortunately I have no time for the Unconventional this year, this would have been a good time slot for this. However, I still don't own a USB cartdridge and this seems to be the best motivation to finally buy one. (at least to me). Once I have one, I could start coding and playing around with that thing.



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  • 1 month later...

This is awesome!! I just tried to attach a modern pc mouse to my 130XE. Indeed the usb driver by Abbuc/RAF works like a charm with any usb mouse!! Fast, ultra precise and that wonderfull feeling!! This is like a new shiny luxury wheel attached to an oldtimer.





Friends, go and buy your atari USB cart and start programming applications for it! I hope we can integrate the driver into Lepix. Then we would have the first real world's application (beside some games) for the USB cart.



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I looked at the Lepix sourcecode. It should not a big problem to integrate the USB Mouse Driver. I will discuss this with twh/F2 next Saturday at ABBUC JHV.


For me the biggest problem would be to work with the assembler used for LePix, as it seems to be written in Delphi and Windows only, and I only run Linux and MacOS X.


Does anyone know if there is a port of the MADS assembler for Linux/MacOS X?





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Does anyone know if there is a port of the MADS assembler for Linux/MacOS X?

Look no further:



[23:16:15 eru@aeris] ~/utils/mads/src 
$ uname -a
Darwin aeris.local 8.2.1 Darwin Kernel Version 8.2.1: Fri Jun 24 23:31:10 PDT 2005; root:xnu-792.3.2.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC Power Macintosh powerpc
[23:16:17 eru@aeris] ~/utils/mads/src 
$ ./mads
mads 1.6.5
Syntax: MADS source [options]
/3              Pass=3 (default 4)
/c              Label case sensitivity
/e              Eat white spaces
/h[:filename]   Header file for CC65
/i:path         Additional include directories
/l[:filename]   Generate listing
/m:filename     File with macro definition
/o:filename     Set object file name
/p              Print fully qualified file names in listing
/s              Silent mode
/t[:filename]   List label table


However, I'm not able to compile Lepix with it, I wrote Tebe, maybe we will manage to fix it.


To compile MADS for Linux or MacOSX, simply download MADS sources, and change asembler.dpr, so each file-related occurence of '\' becomes PathDelim. And add

uses SysUtils;


program MADS;

Then, you should be able to compile it with fpc (Free Pascal Compiler) by running

fpc -Mdelphi -omads asembler.dpr

and you're done.




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Does anyone know if there is a port of the MADS assembler for Linux/MacOS X?

Look no further:





Ahhh, cool, a MacOS X Version. Thank you very much.


Thomas (twh/f2) has already started integrating the USB Mouse driver into the LePix Source.


So far it seems to be pretty straightforward, as the LePix sourcecode is well organized.


I will support him with this over the next week. Hopefully we see USB Mouse-Support in Mid-November.



Best regards



Edited by cas
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Quick info - it seems that the MADS I provided might be buggy due to some pascal compiler incompatibilities.

We're working on this with Tebe, if you notice any strange behavior, please don't panic and just let us know :)

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