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Unimex Transfer Adapter for C64 carts...!?


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Just a candid shot of the telly & system in plain view with the carts inserted & powered up would suffice. Assuming he takes a clear photo in hi-res. Sure it could be photoshoped, but it would be easier to have the pic rigged with a breadbox powered up out of view with the real cart inside. So even a video could possibly be rigged with a little work. I would take someone on his word assuming the pics back it up. But to just claim without any pics, and it's so far fetched, it's almost not believable, that;s where alot of people draw the line.


It is really easy for sellers to claim something, without backing it up. I see it all to often where a seller claims their games are tested & working, and you are sitting there looking at colecovision carts piled in front of a VCS, and you know they are full of it. But most sellers assume that what they find together, belongs together, and will work with one another, and this apparently is not always the case.


Even a seller claiming to have played with it all for 2+ hours does not convince me, maybe they did, and then again maybe not. But this seller, at least has decent feedback, so you'd expect him to be honest in what he claims. I just have my doubts that such a cart exists, for what would be neccessary to fit inside the casing, and the fact that such a cart is not widely known. My brain can not accept this as fact. I would like to prove it wrong however! </schizo>


Edited by video game addict
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Folks, this is simply not possible. The only thing they have in common is a 6502 and the same joystick port pinouts.


Where's the SID chip? Where's the VIC II chip? How does the VIC II video get into the 7800 if it's on the cartridge?


Given the name, it's clearly something related to copying C64 cartridges. It may be an interesting device, but it sure ain't no way going to play C64 games on a 7800.

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And there certainly isn't any Summer Games cartridge for the C64. That is something I'd certainly like to see :P




Maybe's he's miss remembering? He sold a Summer Games cart with the 7800 lot. It looks to be a standard 2600/7800 sized cart though. Or maybe he has prototype C64 carts to fit this adapter Disk conversions.. :P

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Ya, I would love to see this cart in action. It's the only way I would EVER belive it is real. And if it is real it needs to be looked at by some of the serious ATARI gentlemen around here and get it reproduced for all 7800 fans :) I'd pay $50 bucks for one AT LEAST. It would be like the HSC round 2 :)


I think the only possible evidence is indeed a Video, but thats to much Action for me.

I Can`t teke pictures from inside the Cartridge without destrying it ! You can believe it or not, i don`t care.

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I'm gonna call bullshit on that one yuppicide, and not because I don't feel it's a convincing photoshop. But I've held Neo Geo carts in my hands before, and I know if you placed one on top of that adapter, you'd crush it! :P



I guess potatoefritz is just gonna drift into the darkness.. Maybe we'll see a fresh negative feedback on his account in the coming weeks, or maybe the buyer will come here and vent after wasting $150 on a scam.. :twisted:

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...or maybe the buyer will come here and vent after wasting $150 on a scam..  :twisted:



... or tell us all just what the heck the thing actually does... maybe.


I'm standing neutral ground right now. Maybe it is what potatoefritz says it is. Maybe it ain't. But we won't know until the buyer get it and tries it out. Then maybe the buyer can come here to confirm (or disprove) the auction listing. And, as a side note, if the buyer disproves it, maybe we'll be a little closer to knowing just what it is.


Even if it isn't a device to play C64 games on the 7800 (far-fetched idea, though interesting concept nontheless), perhaps it does something else that's interesting.

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I don't think we'll see that happen. I think the buyer will be disappointed by what he got and he'll try to resell it on eBay for what he paid for it advertising it as the same thing he thought it was going to be.


I'm waiting to see what kind of feedback the buyer leaver the seller on this.


...or maybe the buyer will come here and vent after wasting $150 on a scam..   :twisted:



... or tell us all just what the heck the thing actually does... maybe.


I'm standing neutral ground right now. Maybe it is what potatoefritz says it is. Maybe it ain't. But we won't know until the buyer get it and tries it out. Then maybe the buyer can come here to confirm (or disprove) the auction listing. And, as a side note, if the buyer disproves it, maybe we'll be a little closer to knowing just what it is.


Even if it isn't a device to play C64 games on the 7800 (far-fetched idea, though interesting concept nontheless), perhaps it does something else that's interesting.


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Hi Guys

i tried to reach the boss of Unimex(which still existsm today).The only thing they could tell me,is that this adapter was not specially for the 7800.It was developped for the 2600.

greetings Gambler172 :)



:-o :-o :-o :-o So it's real? :-o :-o :-o :-o




yes,this seems to be real,but no one at Unimex could tell me anything special about this.They have no plans or merchandising about their items.But the boss of Unimex told me,that they specially produced items,only for the 2600.Not for the 7800.So if this adapter works on a 7800,this was not specially made.Maybe it works,becasuse the 7800 can play 2600 cartridges or it depends on the 7800 model(like same with the Supercharger,which was sold by Unimex too).

greetings Gambler172

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yes,this seems to be real,but no one at Unimex could tell me anything special about this.They have no plans or merchandising about their items.But the boss of Unimex told me,that they specially produced items,only for the 2600.Not for the 7800.So if this adapter works on a 7800,this was not specially made.Maybe it works,becasuse the 7800 can play 2600 cartridges or it depends on the 7800 model(like same with the Supercharger,which was sold by Unimex too).

greetings Gambler172



So, they verified its existance? Did they say when it was produced? How many were produced? Does anyone at the company still have any? Were there any press releases on it? Could they describe the item, so we can verify the picture? Are there black helicopters? Where are the alien bodies hidden? The truth is out there.

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yes,this seems to be real,but no one at Unimex could tell me anything special about this.They have no plans or merchandising about their items.But the boss of Unimex told me,that they specially produced items,only for the 2600.Not for the 7800.So if this adapter works on a 7800,this was not specially made.Maybe it works,becasuse the 7800 can play 2600 cartridges or it depends on the 7800 model(like same with the Supercharger,which was sold by Unimex too).

greetings Gambler172



So, they verified its existance? Did they say when it was produced? How many were produced? Does anyone at the company still have any? Were there any press releases on it? Could they describe the item, so we can verify the picture? Are there black helicopters? Where are the alien bodies hidden? The truth is out there.




Well it certainly looks like a real cart, I believe the seller found this, not just some faked label hack job.. but I don't think anyone has verified yet what it does. Not even the seller.

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So basically it's a ROM dumper/copier that works with Atari 2600 carts and C=64 carts?



I don't think so, their rom copier was a base unit that you pluged the cart into. One 2600 cart you wanted to copy, and one blank eprom cart you were using to copy to.


This cart is about the size of a 2600 cart, with a C64 plug in top. So this cart could plug into a 2600 or 7800, and a C64 cart could be pluged into the top of it, but I don't think it runs C64 on a 2600/7800. I think it plugs back into the Unimex copier base unit, so you can plug C64 carts on top of it. By this logic though, I'd guess you would need two of these, and of course some Unimex eprom carts for the C64

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So basically it's a ROM dumper/copier that works with Atari 2600 carts and C=64 carts?



i tried to phone the boss of Unimex again.But he could only tell me,that it was an item,officially produced for the 2600.He has no plans or brochures about this item anymore and he cannot exactly remember,when releasing it.Bút he told me,that it was more than 15 years ago.And he could not tell me,if it worked with all C64 carts.But it was not a copy unit.Sorry,that is all i could find out.

greetings Gambler172


PS:But i know the guy,who got it.When the item arrived at him,i will ask him about it.

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I don't think so, their rom copier was a base unit that you pluged the cart into. One 2600 cart you wanted to copy, and one blank eprom cart you were using to copy to.


This cart is about the size of a 2600 cart, with a C64 plug in top. So this cart could plug into a 2600 or 7800, and a C64 cart could be pluged into the top of it, but I don't think it runs C64 on a 2600/7800.  I think it plugs back into the Unimex copier base unit, so you can plug C64 carts on top of it. By this logic though, I'd guess you would need two of these, and of course some Unimex eprom carts for the C64



I'd agree that is the most logical(and probable) use of this thing. There's no way it allows C64 games to be played on a 2600 or a 7800. I think as a single unit the thing in this auction is useless without the copier , another adapter and a blank cart.

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Okay, so it uses the RAM/EEPROM/whatever from existing 2600 copy cart on a C64, using this cart as a port adapter. That actually does make sense. Though not really a lot, since a 2600 cart has much more limited addressing, and the other way around would be more efficient. (Which would be the case if this unit plugs into a 2600/7800.)


Maybe he also has one of these. It allows you to play Neo-Geo games on an Atari 2600.


P.S. - Don't ask for screenshots. The unit is legit, it works, I tried it out with several games.


I won't believe you until I see the picture of it crushed in pieces. That's the only (ape) escape you're going to get from saying you have something like that.
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  • 3 weeks later...

I just checked the feedback of the seller of the Unimex adapter and noticed that the buyer of this thing gave him a POSITIVE feedback stating "Alles bestens und wie beschrieben, ausgezeichneter Seller, gerne wieder! AAA" (everything is OK and as described, great seller, will buy anytime from him! AAA)

Unfortunatly the buyer doesn´t react at my emails asking him what the adapter does...

nevertheless he seems to like the unit he bought for 141€ :-o

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i tried to phone the boss of Unimex again.But he could only tell me,that it was an item,officially produced for the 2600.He has no plans or brochures about this item anymore and he cannot exactly remember,when releasing it.Bút he told me,that it was more than 15 years ago.And he could not tell me,if it worked with all C64 carts.But it was not a copy unit.Sorry,that is all i could find out.

greetings Gambler172


So if I understand correctly, he doesn't know anything about it, but he assures you it was a long time ago and it wasn't a copy unit?

Sounds like he just knows better than to talk about it.



I just checked the feedback of the seller of the Unimex adapter and noticed that the buyer of this thing gave him a POSITIVE feedback stating "Alles bestens und wie beschrieben, ausgezeichneter Seller, gerne wieder! AAA" (everything is OK and as described, great seller, will buy anytime from him! AAA)

Unfortunatly the buyer doesn´t react at my emails asking him what the adapter does...

nevertheless he seems to like the unit he bought for 141€  :-o


As yuppicide mentioned, maybe he's planning to resell it.

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