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Filling the holes in my collection


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Hi all,


I am looking to fill some of the most conspicuous holes in my 2600 collection. In my case, that means I'm looking for some games that most other people are also looking for, so I realize it's a long shot. But I wanted to give it a try anyway.


Here is what I need. Note that I am only looking for boxed games, or just the boxes (I have the carts already in most cases).


I Wany My Mommy - Zimag

Sea Hawk - Panda (what is missing here?)

Burgertime - Telegames

Frogs and Flies - Telegames (do these exist?)


and a rather big hole of Xonox games (I dunno why I still need so many of these; perhaps they're just very hard to find boxed?)


Artillery Duel/Chuck Norris Superkicks

Artillery Duel/Spike's Peak

Chuck Norris Superkicks

Chuck Norris Superkicks/Robin Hood

Chuck Norris Superkicks/Spike's Peak

Ghost Manor

Ghost Manor/Artillery Duel

Ghost Manor/Chuck Norris Superkicks

Motocross Racer

Spike's Peak

Tomarc the Barbarian

Tomarc the Barbarian / Motocross Racer


I have some very nice trade material (like a boxed Rubik's Cube and other goodies). Looking forward to hearing from you!





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