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atari carts in toronto?

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Last place I saw VCS carts was in the Cash Busters on Queen St. west of the 410 in Brampton (in the same small plaza as East Side Mario's.) They were all commons, and there weren't that many, either, but it was cool to see them there, and they were selling for around $5 a piece. That's probably one of the better places to look for stuff like that -- Cash Busters or Cash Converters. (There's both on Queen and the 410; the other one is in the mall that's adjacent to the bridge over the 410, in the larger plaza where the chinese buffet and Kelsey's is)

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yeah.. i bought out 2 cash convertors here... all their nes, genesis, master system games and accessories. only one of them had atari carts, 3 of them. the guy said the day before someone bought an atari 2600 + coleco vision with tons of games.. i missed out. how about flea markets? i don't have many around me. spotted any atari stuff in those?

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To be honest it's been ages since I've even been to a flea market. I don't acutally know where any good ones are. I've been to a few pseudo-flea markets -- y'know, the ones that make weekend appearances at needier malls. I've been promising myself to go to the 410 flea market though -- I live just down steeles from it, but I've never had the opportunity to visit it.


I think I'll make a trip out there in the next few weeks. I'll let you know if I see anything decent. Or anything at all, really...

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just today i found a few carts at a Value Village here.. ! it's always the weirdest places. I'm going to go garage sale hunting on weekends too, as you're right about the flea markets here. there's a suburbian flea market really close to me, but it's more of a cheap mall.. there are 2 video game booths and they had some old nes stuff but thats as far back as they went. they sell brand new ps2's there and mod them while you wait. that's no flea market!



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Yeah, I've been to a few of those. For all I know they don't even sell the NES stuff anymore. Mostly it's modern stuff, with possibly a smattering of old Genesis/SNES and, on rare occasion, TG-16. I suppose if you want the real vintage stuff you have to go to the big, well-established flea markets. I think there's a huge one in Pickering, but I can't for the life of me remember what it's called -- or if Pickering is even it's location. I think that's Mr. Flea's or something...

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hello fellow canadians


can't say i have bought any games in toronto, but i live about 2 hours away and i have gotten a ton of games here locally. so i am sure in a bigger place like t.o. there would have to a ton of thrift shops to goto.

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I'm down the 401 in London, and I only find things by positng ads in newspapers.. I never find 2600s at stores or flea markets, and only 1 out of every 100-200 garage sales yield 2600 stuff (usually NES or Genesis stuff instead).


I'm in TO once a month or so, so if there's anything in particular you want, I might be able to get it.. and trade/sell it to you next time I'm there.





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Although not Atari-related, I was in the Value Village on Queen at the 410 in Brampton yesterday, and they had two Genesis systems (ohe original, one re-release, smaller version) and a Sega Master System, each for $4. I didn't pick them up since I'm not actually ready to begin any sort of classic console collection yet, but it was the first old console I'd seen in a while (other than an original Gameboy) No games there though... just those consoles and a bunch of ancient PCs. I might have actually picked one or both of them up if they had some carts...

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Probably should have grabbed that Sega Master System. They are hugley popular as well.


Just FYI SMS games tend to be harder to find new or CIB than even are old Atari stuff is.


Might want to run back and grab that SMS. I would have.

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