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Atari 2600 Swordquest WaterWorld.


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Along these lines I'm very interested in obtaining high-quality scans of the Waterworld Comic. It is the only one not in my possession and I need it for something I'm working on for AtariAge. The poster would also be very nice..


Thanks in advance for the kind soul who'll help in this endeavor!



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Well, the comics will probably end up on the site at a width of 600 pixels per page, and that's with the images cropped nicely. So that's the minimum resolution, anything higher than that would be a big plus. I've scanned all the comics except this last one, so when they go online it'll be nice to have a complete set.


As for the poster, how wide is it? If it's twice as wide as the manuals then probably around 1200 pixels wide. I haven't scanned any of the Swordquest posters yet, although I know I have at least one (definitely not Waterworld, though!)





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I have all three posters in mint condition (don't ask me how I got all this stuff, it just kind of fell into my lap). I'll scan all three for you (no biggie). I think they're twice as wide as the manual, I'll have to check.



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