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GP2X first units F*ed?


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although it's still a very capable PDA I'm sure.




That it is. It's a shame it died exactly the death I predicted from day one <sigh>


Good thing I wasn't holding my breath waiting for the Neverwinter Nights game that never surfaced for it :ponder:


I should sell off my Z2. Although it is a great PDA, now my i730 has taken over that task, and the GP2X has taken over the game playing ;)

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Sweet, I got my GP2X this morning! It only took about a week for it to get here (much faster than most junk I order from the states), although it was wrapped up in that yellow "Molested by Canada Customs" tape and I had to pay $30 in duty on it. I haven't done a whole lot with it, but it seems to work great so far. No dead pixels and firmware 1.2.0 is already on there (haven't tried updating that yet, probably wait until 1.3.0 or something). They chose a pretty bad spot to stick the power adaptor plug on the thing... it's right where you hold the system! Oh well, I don't have an AC adaptor for the thing anyways, and I picked up a set of 2500mAh NiMH batteries and a charger, so I should be ready to roll.


Is it just me, or are the speakers in the unit pretty terrible? I was trying to listen to some MP3's, but everything sounds so tinny through the speakers.... luckily, plugging in a set of headphones fixed that. Most of the games I played didn't sound so bad, so maybe it's just some settings in the media player or just because I already know what these songs are supposed to sound like.


Also, I haven't had much luck watching videos on the thing. I tried sticking a bunch of different files on my card, and only one of them was recognized as a movie... and it told me it couldn't understand the format of that one anyways! Not sure what the problem is here, but I'll have to take a closer look at this.


I also haven't tried any emulators yet, as the only working computer in the house doesn't have any ROMS on it... I'll have to dig out some of my archive discs or something.



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I dunno I never paid too much attention to the speaker quality cause even the speakers on the PSP suck. But the headphone quality seemed ok.


As for videos I did not mess with em too much but apparently it supports AVI files so what little I do know is you have to rename the file with an .AVI extension.

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there's really no way to test the SMC UNLESS you have PAC-ROM as part of your firmware, it has a SMC recovery option that looks for errors and fixes any errors. I have one particular SMC that gives me problems and i have to do the SMC fix tool at least 2 times a month and it doesn't format or anything, it just makes my SMC work again without removing any of the content .


What firmware do you have? I run Aquafishes Multi firmware that comes with the European firmware, YAFL, and Pac-rom.

Edited by JagFan422
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My GP32 BLU has whatever firmware it came with. So if you could point me in the right direction that be great. I'll try and find the SMC fix tool as well.


I pretty much confirmed today that something is flakey about the card. I took another card (out of my camera) and dumped the same programs on it and they all ran fine no problems.


So if anyone can point me to a place that sells SMC at a decent price I'd appreciate it. I probably should pick up a couple extra.

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download this, but do not flash your firmware, you should be able to rename the file as the typical .fxe extension and run it seperate. Once you run it, run pac-rom and go to tools, and go to the fix SMC option, it will tell you how many errors it finds on the SMC and will fix them.

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Thanks for the link and advice. I was a little concerned about flashing. With the luck I've been having lately (hard drive corrupted on me).


Anyways I'm a little confused about the BLU's. Any software that has trouble with them I have to activate the "Blu+" option. But I'm pretty sure mine is considered a BLU and not a BLU+. Is that just a misnomer? Are the screens for the BLU and BLU+ pretty much the same?


I thought that the only thing diff about the BLU+ was that it is guaranteed to run at 166.




I've been loving the lynx emulator lately. :D

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nope they're 2 different things, the BLU is the normal, i believe, Samsung made screen whereas the blu+ is some cheap thing made in tawain. Depending on when you bought your GP32 will determine if you have a blu+ or not, or just run any program designed for a normal BLU and if you have some weird white bar across the screen they you have a BLU+ A BLU should be able to run any program that the NLU or FLU could run, only the BLU+ screens got screwed up and the programs had to be recoded to run in the screen right, but thats all been sorted out.


No BLU or BLU+ was gauranteed to run without doing something to it. If you got it from GBAX, then yes you could get a guaranteed because they modded it to run at 166 or more, if it didn't already, same with GP32Z.com.


And yes, GPhandy is real good, but i can't get Desert Strike, Battlewheels, or Jimmy Connors tennis to work.

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Do NOT buy a GP2X from Lik-Sang... They've done some stupid things when it comes to this system, and it's uncertain when (if ever) they will actually start shipping units. I've dealt with Lik-Sang before with positive results, but they've really screwed up things with the GP2X. If you want to buy one, I'd recommend GP32Z, the authorized North American distributor. I bought mine from them, and had no problems at all.


As for a second edition, I wouldn't hold my breath. More recent units ship with a newer version of the firmware (most of the system's downfalls were caused by bugs in the 1.x firmware), but the hardware is the same. There has been some rumor that GPH is looking into a way to change the joystick, but it seems more likely that the "fix" will just be a replacement cap rather than a real hardware modification. I very much doubt we'll see any major hardware changes.



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Well, when you mention it Ze_ro I heard something about a problem with Lik-Sang and the GP2X as well. Can't quite remember what it was about. I have dealt with them before as well, and had no problems. I bought my GP32 there, but that was at the Hong Kong store.


What about the problem with the headphones connector? Has this been fixed? It seems that some units had problems with bad solder points that made the connector fall into the unit...

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look at the posts in www.gp32x.com, in the gp2x forum, thats probably the largest english speaking Gamepark forum on the net, if anybody has faulty product, they would've let people know about it there. I am constantly on that board, and i can honestly say that i have not heard many complaints about that lately.

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Has this been fixed? It seems that some units had problems with bad solder points that made the connector fall into the unit...


That was a problem a ways back with some units. It has been long fixed, I haven't seen anyone talking about that in a while. Even my first unit didn't have that issue.

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I think the "headphone jack breaking off" thing only actually happened to like, 2 or 3 people. I think the part that caused people to blow it out of proportion was that the way the jack is seated, you have to stuff in the plug pretty far for it to actually connect properly... a lot of people weren't doing this, and complained that the jack was "broken" because they were only getting mono sound from it. The headphone jack on my GP2X seems perfectly solid... it's unfortunate that they placed it on the top of the system though.



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