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new 7800 protype-super football?

8th lutz

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Sorry I wanted to add post-6046-1133812843_thumb.jpgthis



I will need to have another play on it but i'm pretty sure it states "Doug Neubaer" somewhere on the game, didn't he program Solaris and Radar Lock???


Like on the title screen? Doug did indeed create this game, but his name wouldn't be in the game itself unless it was a prototype. That would definitely lend credence to that theory. And yes, he did do Solaris and Radar Lock.






good point

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I guess this was the auction you won with the mis-matched labels?  So you completely removed the front label & any trace of the CX26 part number too?  Or what became of that cart?  :ponder:


Errr no! I still have that cart and in-fact have it listed on e-bay with a 2600+ some other games see here


I am getting really bored repeating myself (my god deja vu i've said this already!) i had 3 of these carts obtained from a charity shop in Slough whilst at a family funeral (thanks for making me bring it up). If you want more details they were with about 12 other games, mostly picture and silver carts but all Atari. I really don't understand what your problem is. I have one so do 2 other people, you don't. Tough luck, everyone makes a good find eventully. If you think I was after the "fame" then you are very mistaken. Why do you think I didn't post it myself in the first place? I was told by several people in the community (over here) that other Atarians would be like this and I should have listened and kept my mouth shut.

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I guess this was the auction you won with the mis-matched labels?  So you completely removed the front label & any trace of the CX26 part number too?  Or what became of that cart?   :ponder:


Errr no! I still have that cart and in-fact have it listed on e-bay with a 2600+ some other games see here


I am getting really bored repeating myself (my god deja vu i've said this already!) i had 3 of these carts obtained from a charity shop in Slough whilst at a family funeral (thanks for making me bring it up). If you want more details they were with about 12 other games, mostly picture and silver carts but all Atari. I really don't understand what your problem is. I have one so do 2 other people, you don't. Tough luck, everyone makes a good find eventully. If you think I was after the "fame" then you are very mistaken. Why do you think I didn't post it myself in the first place? I was told by several people in the community (over here) that other Atarians would be like this and I should have listened and kept my mouth shut.



Any particular reason you feel like continually insulting the community here? If you're not happy here no one is making you post...



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That would make this complete bullshit then no?


never seen the 2600 version so can only compare screenshots from the screens i've seen online and this version looks better.





No because as i've stated the versions I have are NTSC and my T.V. dosn't accept an ntsc signal so it just flickers and its totally unplayble and unable to make out. read the whole topic. And Tempest no i'm not out to insult people and enjoy AtariAge but am getting more and more annoyed at the people calling me a liar and insulting me! You of all people should know there is still atari stuff out there that no-one has seen.

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That would make this complete bullshit then no?


never seen the 2600 version so can only compare screenshots from the screens i've seen online and this version looks better.





No because as i've stated the versions I have are NTSC and my T.V. dosn't accept an ntsc signal so it just flickers and its totally unplayble and unable to make out. read the whole topic. And Tempest no i'm not out to insult people and enjoy AtariAge but am getting more and more annoyed at the people calling me a liar and insulting me! You of all people should know there is still atari stuff out there that no-one has seen.



Well I don't think you're a liar, but I'm now 90% sure we don't have a prototype. I think this is just a simple NTSC>PAL conversion with some color differences and a typo end label. At this point I would be very surprised if this turned out to be a prototype.


Hopefully someone will be brave enough to rip theirs open and take a good shot of the insides so we can get some closure on this.



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I haven't insulted anybody.


So that was interesting an NTSC cart mixed in a lot from the UK with known pal cartridge in the same lot.. possibly, but very unlikely..


Also you bought another nib 2600 Super Football the day after your prototype auction ended, and have had that now a few days, I guess you're too much of a collector though to open it up to compare.

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I haven't insulted anybody. 


So that was interesting an NTSC cart mixed in a lot from the UK with known pal cartridge in the same lot..  possibly,  but very unlikely..


Also you bought another nib 2600 Super Football the day after your prototype auction ended, and have had that now a few days, I guess you're too much of a collector though to open it up to compare.


I havn't opened that yet, its sealed and I havn't been home enough yet to play it. Who are you the e-bay police!?? And for your information mr. nosey I bought that because its Pal so I can compere the two. Do you want a copy of all my e-bay transations over the last year? I would like to know how you know all this information anyway. I this kind of info should be private. I have a job where I work alot of hours and don't have the time to play every game as soon as I get it. As soon as i've had the time to check it (wednesday earliest) I'll let you know what the diffrence (if any) is. If you want to check the date I bought it, you probaly already know though you know everything else about me, it was after this topic started which is why I bought it because I was intrigued as much as the next man. I don't even know if this sealed one I got has the same end label or not.

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I am beginning to suspect that a language difference between the UK and the US is partly to blame. Mr. Kizza kept repeating the phrase "it looks like a 2600 cart, but the colors... etc". I am beginning to think that the phrase "looks like" in the UK may be a definite statement of fact. Where as in the U.S. "looks like" means "I'm not sure, but its my best guess". So all us sorry Americans are thinking why doesn't he just count the pins or give us a picture and we will count them. While people in the UK are likely thinking "why can't those bloody Americans take his word for what he said. He told them its a 2600 cart". Just thinking and trying to understand Mr. Kizza's anger at us poor Yankees... :ponder:

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It is a 2600 label variation. Check out this site and scroll down to December 31, 2001 or do a search for "Super Football"






That's about as definite as this which i posted back on the first page. It does help support the fact that these are only LVAR, which I think was the general assumption all along.

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Here's a stupid question... why release an American Football game for Europeans?


Cousin Vinnie



Back in the late 80's there were american football fans over there. There were some fans. I know there are american football players in England. My High school had a football team that went there to play american football against them in 1996. I don't expect it to be even close to soccor, or basketball over there. Also if there was no interest in American football why would there be Nfl europe?

Edited by 8th lutz
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Here's a stupid question... why release an American Football game for Europeans?


Cousin Vinnie



Back in the late 80's there were american football fans over there. There were some fans. I talked a person on a plane. The person was packer fan despite being in greece. Also if there was no interest in American football why would there be Nfl europe?




God, that's cute. Have you ever seen the attendance at an NFL Europe game?


Cousin Vinnie

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I never seen the attendence at a nfl Europe game.  I expect to be less then formula one racing over there.  That type of racing is huge over there. I known that has been letters in the packer report in the past from europe.



Well, my point is that it's pretty pathetic. Most Europeans don't get American Football, and they don't care that they don't get it. It's like how Americans don't care about Rugby, for the most part.


You have your few stragglers who like it I'm sure. I know I love it.



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A truly frustrating read...


How hard is it to just look at the f@#king open end of the cartridge? :lol:


No problem to look.But can anyone post a photo of the 2600 Super Football cartridge?Then i could compare it with my board.Unfortunately my camera is not good enough to make a photo of the board

And again for all.The colors of Mr. K`s prototype seem to be better than the 2600 version.

So i can say.I am happy with my cart.

greetings Gambler172 :)

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  • 5 years later...

Sorry to dredge up a very old article, but I couldn't find this discussed anywhere else and it was a pretty entertaining read. I have one of these 7800 marked super football carts (I'm in the UK too). It is the 2600 version for sure, just a label error. Does that make it valuable though? I never play this one and am thinking of getting rid. Cart only.

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