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FB2 is hitting the Sale Bins Already! ? !

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It's true. My local Zellers is already clearing out the FB2 at 29 bucks Canadian only after having it stock for 3 weeks :roll: And as soon as my local Zellers starts the price dumps on stuff they just keep getting cheaper untill there gone. They started out at 39.99 and I bet by new years I will get one for 19 or less. I fI see them that low I will buy them all granted but still. They have about 10 or 12 units left from the (at best) 25 to 30 they stocked originally. So I guess I'm not gonna see the Rev C locally :x I'm really suprised to see them in the Bargin Bin so cheap.Anyone else see a significant price drop in the FB2 anywhere else yet? I don't think it would just be my local Zellers as stuff like that is usually a chain decision is it not?


Just Givin' Tha 411,


Shawn Sr.

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I have the feeling that they are selling moderately well - say about the same as any of the other Plug n Play type games.. A couple of the local stores had half a dozen each on Monday. Today I did some last minute shopping and noticed the store were down to only one or two each.

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I have the feeling that they are selling moderately well - say about the same as any of the other Plug n Play type games..  A couple of the local stores had half a dozen each on Monday.  Today I did some last minute shopping and noticed the store were down to only one or two each.




I'd say a bit more than moderately well, and I wouldn't say Zellers' discount move is indicative of the market for them. I know here on the north side of Milwaukee they were completely sold out of them at BestBuy, Walmart and Target as of this past week (some stores earlyer than that).

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I have the feeling that they are selling moderately well - say about the same as any of the other Plug n Play type games..  A couple of the local stores had half a dozen each on Monday.  Today I did some last minute shopping and noticed the store were down to only one or two each.



I haven't seen any official sales figures yet, and probably won't for several more weeks.


I do know that every store I checked recently was sold out, including Target & Best Buy stores around my home in the Philly area.


On Saturday Dec. 11th, I was in the Best Buy next to the Oxford Valley Mall in Bucks County, PA. When I walked in the door, there was a TV and a FB2 console set up, with dozens of FB2 boxes ready for sale. The area was MOBBED with people playing FB2. I stood there grinning like an idiot for a few moments, and made a mental note to return with my digital camera. (I took a similar photo when the original Flashback was on sale in this same Best Buy store last year.)


I didn't get back to that store with the camera until the next weekend, and by that point, FB2 was completely sold out. I told one of the employees I was involved with the Flashback 2 project, and asked how the sales had went. He said that they completely sold out of FB2 within three days of setting up that TV in the front of the store. Needless to say, I left the store grinning like an idiot again. :)


The fact that the prices *may* have been reduced after the Christmas sales shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.

Edited by mstulir
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Here in rural Virginia, small stores that stocked a few units as gift items (like Radio Shack and Movie/game rental stores) sold all they had at $29.99.  I've never seen them sold at a higher price, but I don't get out much.




I belive you mean 29 USD I mean 29 CDN. And the price drop has sold them all but 3 units that remain as of today (boxzing day)

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I know when I got my FB2 for Christmas from my wife, I was estatic. I couldn't wait to plug it in to my computer room's TV. After turning it on, I was also grinning like an idiot from ear to ear, as I played the old classics (and the wonderful new titles). However, none of the retailers around me set one up for display to be played by the masses. They were too busy pushing the "new" stuff and not giving the FB2 a chance. For shame, that. I know QVC sold out of 'em really quickly.



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I know here in Fargo ND the target and Bestbuy in town were sold out last week of the FB2. Best Buy went as far as to put back on the shelf the original Flasback to sell for $20 to fill in for the sold out Flashback 2's. Will kinda be cool to see how many of the 3rd revisions the stores will get now that x-mas season is over.



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They were selling really quickly here in Maine. The Walmart near me carried them and they seemed to move pretty quickly. I think it's too bad they weren't in the actual electronics section though - putting them in toys kind of limits the people who see it.


If someone were my age (28) and NOT have kids, they might not ever know it existed which is a shame.

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Does anyone know if Atari did any advertising at all for this thing? The only reason I ended up hearing about it, was because of a Vintage Computer forum I belong to, and someone posted a link to Curt's "Hack" page. That was the first I heard of it.


I can actually visualize a 15-20 second commercial on TV....(I mean...I have a neat idea for one.....)

Damn shame it's probably too late to use it. Although, it could be used for the FB3(HINT HINT).

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