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Atari Chat Tonight


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Just a reminder that we will have a chat tonight at 10 pm CST.  Hope to see you there!



Argh, want to be there...but...but...its Battlestar Galactica night!


Don't make me choose.....


Okay, fine - I'll watch BG then try to catch up with you guys afterwards... :D

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Just a reminder, we have an Atari chat going on twelve hours from now at 8 pm cst. (I am getting better at getting this word out in a more out more ahead of time) ;)








(might have to do that twice)


(login in)



t for talk

c for chat

(put a name in)


You're in! :D


Doctor Clu

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think we should switch this chat into a room on a major IRC network.


Here is my reasoning:


a) That BBS software sucks ass. The BBS software that was run on actual ATARIs back in the day was MUCH better.


b) It is EXTREMELY HARD to keep track of a conversation, especially if you have to leave the keyboard for any period of time, and come back. The screen "overwrites itself" in such a shit-assed way that you cant even catch it in a "scroll-back" buffer.


c) you cannot cut/paste links into any term program that I have found (and even if you could, the person who wants to follow the link would have to have a term program capable of processing it), which is another VERY useful feature for support of one's conversation.


d) you cannot send anyone messages privately without exiting the chatroom on the board, and even then, it doesnt notify them that you have sent them.


e) there is no convenient way to quickly exchange files between members of the chatroom.





We can register our own room (easily and for free) and give all of the "regulars" channel operator status. Then anyone can drop in any time they want, not just wednesday or sunday.


Also, the MIRC client is excellent software, low overhead, and absolutely free. XCHAT is also available in a windows binary now, so if you dont like MIRC, you can use XCHAT which is the classic AMIGA/LINUX style IRC interface.


Telnetting through an atari might be an interesting novelty for a few minutes, but the limitations of that crap BBS software quickly become frustrating as hell when trying to carry on a serious, in-depth conversation.


And heres another thought.. If you absolutely MUST use your atari, telnet to a linux box and run one of the many freely available linux shell-based IRC clients through the telnet session..



So what do you guys think???

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MEtalGuy66 I really like your idea and I didn't care much for the telnet chatroom myself but having ATARI users on ATARI computers makes the telnet chatroom very unique chatroom.


MEtalGuy66, why don't you create an ATARI chatroom and we all can check it out and give you our opinions ??

Edited by LYNXGUY
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Well, I think we should collectively decide on a major IRC network (eg. dalnet, efnet, etc.) to use.


I have no problem doing the "groundwork" as far as creating the channel, itself, and giving everyone OP status.


We'd all have to decide on a network, and register NICKNAMES with it though.


I can also offer the use of my Linux Box for anyone who wants to telnet in with their ATARI, and run a shell-based IRC session.

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Thanks for the concern on all this Metalguy though honestly I wish you'd keep your griping to less than say 50% of the chat time or on a forem like this where your suggestions will stay and not be overwritten by the chatroom. :)


Metalguy, et al, there are several things I like about the telnet chat room:


1) It is there, & generally always there. I like consistancy.

2) It is run by an Atari user. That is important when you consider #3.

3) You can get Atari computers on it and enjoy the chat on an actual Atari.


Can there be a better chatroom? Sure there can. You want to run it? More importantly run it consistantly? Go for it!


IRC is a great simple text media for chatting. All for it. Know of a shell account out there that 8-bitters can jump through to get to this IRC chat room, then I am on board with this idea. Or would you like to run that telnet point that 8-bitters can IRC from? I'm all ears.


In the meantime, enjoy what we have.


And again...



Edited by doctorclu
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Thanks for the concern on all this Metalguy though honestly I wish you'd keep your griping to less than say 50% of the chat time or on a forem like this where your suggestions will stay and not be overwritten by the chatroom. :)


:D :D :D


See ya there in about half an hour.


Stephen Anderson

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