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I'm curious why the final went back to the 5200 eyes. It's not a major thing, but I did like the eyes from the earlier versions better. Definitely an impressive port. It's amazing how a better port of Pac-Man than the Atari 800 version was done in only 4k.

To be honest, I wasn't a fan of the ghosts' eyes from the earlier versions. The original arcade game had a big square for the whites and a little square for the blacks, but obviously multicolor sprites are impossible on the VCS. Honestly, I like the rectangles in the final cart release better than the funky looking "C" shapes in the beta version, if that was what you were referring to.


...and like I mentioned earlier, no it wasn't - it simply didn't exist in the assembly file I was using. Bassline was one of the last things Dennis added before releasing it on cart. It was not present in the assembly file I was trying to cram intermissions into.

Is there anyway to update the audio in the "cutscenes" ROM or are you done working on it? Also, I wanted to tell you, congrats/thanks for creating the Ms Hack ROM. It's awesome!


BTW, here are the two AtariAge threads where I originally downloaded the VCS ROMs from my previous post, if you want to read about them:



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