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Best NES TMNT game?

King Atari

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I am going to be different here.


I now have all three..yes..all three TMNT games for the NES.


My preference is for #2:The Arcade Game.


I never liked the first one because it just didn't feel like TMNT to me. The Second one does a much better job of being the TMNT I loved in the arcade! The 3rd one is good, but I think that the second one moves a little smoother and is much more frantic than the 3rd one.

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I too loved the arcade, but I felt that it was ripping Double Dragon off too much. The first one was more of a challenge, I felt.


the Original was great and VERY challenging but it needed a save feature at certain points


I play the game more on an emulator, that way I can save.

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TMNT 2: the Arcade Game was by far the best, the most fun, and the most playable. I like the correlation to Double Dragon. (The were NINJA turtles). I never could beat it one the 3 paltry lives you started with (I could get to the paper tiger level), so I used the cheat code to get the bonus lives.


Man, that game was fun! I wish I hadn't lost it along with my other games (I'm thinking now someone stole them... )


Shredder Stan

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well...I didn't forget about the SNES version. The original post stated which one was the best one for the NES. So I stick by my guns and vote for #2 still.


However, your only half correct on the SNES version being the best. It is fun...but I still love firing up Hyperstone Heist on the Genesis!!!...Oh Yeah!!!

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Okay, after much deliberation, I have come the conclusion that TMNT II for NES just by the slimmest of margins surpasses the original. Let me explain: It showcases more martial arts action, and is less confusing (some of the maps in the original are really confusing). Plus, I have great memories of playing it in the arcade, so I naturally love the home version. In fact, I made a list of the TMNT games in what I feel is the best, in this order:




3-TMNT: Turtles in Time



Of course, if you really want a fighting game, you can't go wrong with Double Dragon !


PS- Anyone remember that TMNT coloring game for the PC? They were like traveling all over the world.

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The best TMNT game for the NES was TMNT III, for the simple fact that it expanded and increased the original arcade game in so many ways.


The Arcade Game (TMNT II) is pretty good, although if you actually got the arcade game to play through again, you would see just how many shortfalls this game had (for the record, I beat the game in the arcade).


TMNT was a pretty good game, although I could never get too far on it on the Nintendo. I had the game for my old 286 and it was exactly like the NES version, and I could always get pretty far with that.


Everyone has forgot about the horrendous TMNT: Tournament Fighters game. This game easily places last.


Turtles In Time for the SNES is a very good game, although it didn't have the same magic that TMNT III did for me. Genesis also has a Turtles game, although I've never seen it...

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  • 2 years later...

Does anyone read these old threads any more besides me?


Anyway, TMNT 3 is the best easily, simply because it expands on 2 so much and has the coolest stuff in it and the most variation in stages


TMNT 1 though deserves total props for being something much more than a button mashing beat 'em up. There's actually a lot of strategy involved regarding which Turtle to use when and in stock piling/allocating your scrolls and other weapons. By far the most difficult also and I still pat myself on the back for finishing this one.


BTW - is it 2 or 3 that has a code that lets you play as Simon Belmont? Anyone who's got that code would be on my "you rock" list if you could post it :wink:

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I like the gameplay of TMNT 1 best, but the vast majority of the enemies in it have nothing to do with the Ninja Turtles (the fire guys, roof leapers, wierd floating red flappy things that dive at you, the guys who hop up and down and throw boomerangs, steamrollers, the "statue" guys, missile-dropping balloons, purple zombie things that multiply when you hit them, the robots whose heads chase you after you kill them, giant porcupines, alien guys who roll around really fast, robot kangaroos... ). As a TMNT purist, that always drove me nuts ;)


The Giant Mouser boss was pretty awesome, even if it's the easist boss to defeat (select Donatello and just stand right under it and swing upwards when it opens its mouth. You don't even have to jump, the reach of Don's weapon is that good. You'll hit the weak spot in its throat and any mousers that come out, and the eye lasers won't be able to hit you).


My friends and I played TMNT II to death when we were kids, so there's a large nostalgia factor attached to that one. Besides, it is really fun, even if it gets a little repetetive after a while. III was also a great game. In fact, it was the first game I ever got for NES back in the day (except for Super Mario Bros. 3, which came with my system).


BTW why is it in every ninja turtles game I've played (except #I) there's a scene in which they jump down a huge hole into this inexplicable cavern right in front of the Technodrome, then they jump about a mile into the air towards it and are magically inside? That's nitpicky, I know:) And if in TMNT 1 you wreck the 'Drome and waste Shredder, how do they keep coming back? Also nitpicky, I know ;)

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BTW - is it 2 or 3 that has a code that lets you play as Simon Belmont?  Anyone who's got that code would be on my "you rock" list if you could post it  :wink:


That was an EGM April Fools trick from the 1991 issue for TMNT II. But here it is anyway for the record...


Simon Belmont Trick - First hit Reset five times then at the title screen hit UP & A four times, Down & B three times, Left & Select twice, and Right & A once on controller 2. Then on controller 1 hit U, D, L, R, B, A, Select, U, D, L, R, B, A, Select. You'll hear a whip slash sound and Simon's head will appear where the turtle icon was. Hit Start and play as Simon Belmont!!!


A. P. Rilphuuls

Fromagem, HA


There's even a caption in the same article spoiling the joke: "After you've tried this 10 times read the name of the person who sent this in."


- Jason

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No contest... it was TMNT 2: The Arcade Game all the way. The original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was a massive letdown to fans of the arcade game (yay... yet ANOTHER generic adventure game on the NES that had nothing to do with the coin-op of the same name) and TMNT 3: The Manhattan Project suffered from less than memorable stages and frustrating enemies. TMNT: Tournament Fighters was ambitious, I'll give it that, but the NES just didn't have the resources demanded by a fast-paced tournament fighting game.


So yeah, I'd definitely vote for TMNT 2: The Arcade Game. It was as close to the arcade game as you could have expected from the NES, with good graphics, exceptional Konami brand music, and a surprising degree of the arcade game's impact. Best of all, it featured stages that weren't even available in the coin-op. No doubt about it... it's an NES classic!



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