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SpiceWare's Blog - Disappearing Bricks


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Got a few changes going the past couple days. I'll be entertaining a friend from out of town for a few days so there won't be another update until next week.


The "dragon" launchs a fireball in a random direction when it crosses the center of the screen. It then disappears for the rest of the round. The fireball routines were also modified to support "not on the screen" and the other 2 fireballs are now disabled until king killed routine is written.


The scores on left are now representing how much time is left in Vertical Blank (they were showing paddle readings before)


The scores on the right represent the remaining time in the Overscan. (blue used to show which paddle(0-3) the left digits were monitoring, green was just a counter to test the hex digits).


I've also got the brick routines started, though they're only working for the lower castles. They're a bit tricker than I was first thinking as the ball is "double wide, double tall" which means you have to check 4 x-y coordinates to figure out which one hit the brick. The routines bail once a brick was found, else the fireball could take out multiple bricks at the same time. For testing, the fireball doesn't change directions when it hits a brick. It also stops moving once it hits a lower king as the "king dead" routines have not been written. Once this happens you can hit RESET or SELECT to start the ball in motion again.


Shield collisions are not yet implemented.




Source Medieval_Mayhem.zip




PAL mmPAL.bin



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