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I want to develop for the 7800 / 2600


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Hey guys,


I'm a software developer by career. I'd be really interested in finding out HOW I can set myself up with a development platform of some sort that would allow me to write games for the 7800 or the 2600. I remember seeing a cart that was for sale (Gator Cart or something???) that allowed the user to FLASH data onto the cart that could then be loaded by a 2600. I tried to buy one of these, but I was too late and they never re-released them. I REALLY REALLY want to get one or something similar. All those people who are writing games for the 2600 or 7800, what are you doing and how are you doing it?


Any help you guys can give me, I'd really appreciate.


FYI, I do have a couple of 7800s and one of them has the AUX port on the side (not sure what that's for).




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The first thing you want is a Cuttle Cart 2. Not only does it support playing games off of an MMC card, it supports downloading them over a serial port at 115K baud. This means that a 128K game takes only about 10-15 seconds to download. The main debug cycle delay is in power-cycling the 7800.


I have some stuff you may want to download here: http://xi6.com/hacks/ (Hmm, looks like maybe I need to put cc2serial in there)


You can use cc2serial (here, see previous post for info) to download from command-line unix/linux/OS X. To add the digital signature, use sign78 (thread with info). I was using my own assembler (most people use DASM, but I've had my own since the mid '80s) and doing everything under OS X except burning EPROMs. I even wrote my own monitor program that worked through the right joystick port with a TTL-to-RS232 adapter board, but that was rocket science.


I would recommend using a 7800 with an EPROM mod, and a BIOS patched to ignore the digital signature. Even on a fast machine, a signing program still can take 15-20 seconds, and that would get really annoying really fast.


The only real problem I had was that you have to be careful of that plug sticking up out of the top of the CC2. I knocked mine over enough that I finally just had to solder the serial cable directly to the board.


Anyhow, the main thing to keep in mind is that emulators are much more forgiving than the real hardware. None of them emulate the cycle-stealing of the Maria DMA. This will slow down the 7800 during the video display refresh. And I'm not sure if any of them emulate the per-scan-line DMA limit of the Maria. This will let you create some really nice looking displays that simply won't work on the real hardware.

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I'll third the CC2 vote.


But even without a CC2 it is possible to do some 7800 development using an emulator. Enough to get the hang of the basic MARIA concepts at least.


But if Chad is clearing out the last of his stock and you can scrape the cash together, I'd recommend buying one. Even if you don't become a 7800 developer and don't want to keep it for simply playing 2600 & 7800 games I'm sure you'll won't lose money on eBay.

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I'm sorry I haven't responded to this thread. I'm totally SWAMPED at work right now. But things should quiet down in a week or so. I'd really like to get involved and participate in development.


I took your guy's advice and I went ahead and ordered a Cuttle Cart 2.

$160 bucks.


What else do I need to buy?


It said that I need a MultiMedia Card reader. Is that just one of those devices that reads smart cards, compact flash, etc???




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It said that I need a MultiMedia Card reader. Is that just one of those devices that reads smart cards, compact flash, etc???


Yeah, that's basically it. You need to make sure it's an MMC card and reader though. SD cards are very similar but don't work with the CC2, an SD reader should work with MMC cards. If in doubt check the specs for the one you are looking at.

And congratulations on your purchase. :)



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It said that I need a MultiMedia Card reader. Is that just one of those devices that reads smart cards, compact flash, etc???

You only need one which handles SD 'cause it will also handle MMC. (Although the CC2 does _not_ handle SD, only MMC.) The current recommendation is to get an RS-MMC (reduced size). A normal MMC sticks out of the CC2 and some people have damaged the card interface because of that. The RS-MMC doesn't, which removes that risk.

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Hey guys! I just got my 7800 CC2 in the mail today! That was fast as hell! I think I JUST paid for it like on Friday or something?!?!


I also ordered a 32mb MMC off eBay too.


I'm going to try to get a nice work area set up for myself and I'm going to start developing!


I'll post back when this week is over. It's NFL draft this week and I've been swamped with work.



Thanks for all the info and responses!

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