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MegaST2 on the web?

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I know there isnt much I can do with my Mega2 - however I got a NE2000 compat Cartidge ethernet cart a few years back and was able to 'ftp' content to my windows box - Id like to see it do something more -


Is there anything on this site that I could run on my Mega 2 to get a basic browser working?



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I know there isnt much I can do with my Mega2 - however I got a NE2000 compat Cartidge ethernet cart a few years back and was able to 'ftp' content to my windows box - Id like to see it do something more -


Is there anything on this site that I could run on my Mega 2 to get a basic browser working?






If you've got the EtherNEC, and you've got it working, then both of these work:


CAB (brower)


Newsie (newsgroups and mail)


I had my EtherNEC hooked up to the Mega ST that runs my BBS for awhile and it worked fine

with STing there. I could browse web pages with CAB (Crystal Atari Browser), read newsgroups

and send/receive e-mail with Newsie.

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So here is where I am confused - looking at the STinG page there are a variety of modules and such - which ones are required to install to run CAB and AtarICQ?


Okay, I'll do the best I can to help. Here is the software I've got and where (all of this is on the C drive):


AUTO (folder)






(I also use HSMODEMs software in the AUTO folder)


CPX (folder)




STING (folder)

cache.dns default.cfg ether.sty masque.sty route.tab tools

cen_plep.sty docs lcltlk.sty midi.sty serial.stx udp.stx

cen_plip.sty enec.mif logfile.xxx resolve.stx sting.prt update.txt

default.bak enec.stx masque.stx route.bak tcp.stx xfers


TOOLS and DOCS are folders inside the STING folder.


Well, I think thats about it for that. You will still have to adjust some files,

like DEFAULT.CFG. Here is what mine looks like:



# File name: DEFAULT.CFG (for STinG) Revision date: 2000.07.05



# First we have settings used by STinG and its distributed CPX and STX :

# ======================================================================

# (Read STING.HYP for info on how to use them to improve performance.)


# Used by the STinG kernel :


ALLOCMEM = 100000







# Used for ICMP protocol :


ICMP_GMT = -60

ICMP_AD = 10




# Used for UDP protocol :


UDP_PORT = 1024




# Used for TCP protocol :


TCP_PORT = 1024

MSS = 1460

RCV_WND = 10000

DEF_RTT = 1500

DEF_TTL = 64




# Used by the DNS resolver :


# Note that the first one of these three will not normally be used.

# It will only be used when an address consisting of a single word

# is used in a URI. The DOMAIN value is then appended to complete

# the URI as needed for the nameserver request packets.

# (I still recommend using full URIs instead, to avoid confusion.)


DOMAIN = sting.org





# The three following are not really used by the kernel anymore, as the

# dialer redefines these for each dialup, as they can vary when you have

# more than one ISP dial script. They should be defined here anyway,

# with the values you normally use online, as some offline clients may

# expect to find them, and also for use in local networking.


USERNAME = darklord

HOSTNAME = darkforce4.org

FULLNAME = Ronald J. Hall



# The one following is also redefined by the dialer, and you only need to

# define it here if you use a local network, so all machines in that net

# can find the nameserver (the dialer only defines it on one machine).

# Note that the value of NAMESERVER variables should always be a numeric

# IP address, since another nameserver would be needed to resolve a URI.

# You can specify more than one address, separated by ", " .

# (eg: "NAMESERVER =,")





# Here starts the stuff used by external clients and servers :

# ============================================================


# Used by the Dialer :

# --------------------


# The setting below is not used by the dialer itself, but by any other

# client in a local network that wishes to contact the dialer which is

# resident on a machine equipped with a modem. (By UDP command packets.)

# If you have no local network, leave it as it is, since that is an IP

# address reserved for the local machine.





# The setting below is used by the dialer, but only if you have chosen

# to activate the DIAL.SCR setting to use a dialup batch file. The path

# specified below will then be used to find the batch file.





# Used by mailers :

# -----------------


EMAIL = dark_lord@charter.net

SMTP_HOST = smtp.charter.net

MAILER = pop.charter.net


POP_HOST = news.charter.net

POP_USERNAME= dark_lord

POP_PASSWORD= XXXXXX (your password goes here)



# Used by TIME and DAYTIME clients and servers:

# ---------------------------------------------

# (Values used by me, in Sweden in the year 2000.)




TIME_SERVER = time.demon.co.uk



# Used by MIDI_EMU server (for some netgames) :

# ---------------------------------------------


MIDI_EMU_OUT = next_IP_in_emulated_Midi_ring



# Add more here as/when needed by other clients and servers

# that you install in your system. (Read their docs...)



# End of file: DEFAULT.CFG



I hope this helps get you started. If you have more questions,

just post them. Someone will try their best to help you. :)

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You should download cab.ovl from Oliviérs webpages to be able to use cab via network. Cab usually just can use modems and this ovl (or another one - there are several floating around) will tell it what network is.


In the sting default.cfg you will just have to change the line


to the ip that your router has.


In route.tab you have to set a '#' before each line which is not needed, that is in your case every line except

Make sure you set those tabs as tabs and not as spaces, not every text editor can do this. I suggest using qed or luna; 7up can't do this.


At the moment I'm working on my german webpage which contains an explanation to get an atari to the web via ethernec, but so far I did not put the software packet needed into the downloads section.


If you drop me a mail with your routers' ip address (and two or three words about you being atariage user I can send you back the files needed and if you wish already set up.

If you use ICQ feel free to contact me.

Edited by jens
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  • 5 weeks later...

Ok I finally got my Mega 2 out and loaded up the files Jens sent me.


I think things are installed ok however I have the following issues:


1. When I try to fill out the MAC address in the STing control panel I get an error saying 'Ooops Cannot Change MAC' or something like that and the values go to ff:ff:ff:ff:ff


2. I unLZH'd the CAB stuff - it created a CAB directory and there is a CAB.OVL file there - how do I launch CAB?

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