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Did anyone see Turbo-816?


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There are some infos on the net, like for example this: http://www.atariarchives.org/cfn/05/11/0182.php on the Turbo-816 upgrade made in 1988-90 by DataQue. According to these sources the package apart from the Turbo-816 OS ROM also contained such miracles as for instance Turbo-View which is a "is a graphical operating system (GOS), which

is resident with application programs" (I understand that last that the Turbo-View was a kind of a library, ... whatever). Despite that the docs mention a Turbo-Calc, a Turbo-C8 and Turbo-C16 (apparently C compilers), monochrome video card providing 80 column text display and connected via PBI ... and such.


My question is if anyone ever saw it working and can provide more information, maybe snapshots, photos, share experiences?

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Yes, I saw the Turbo-816 demonstrated at a user group meeting. At that time I believe the OS was just patched, and the only difference I could tell was that SIO sound was slightly faster (but not even close to a track-buffered Happy Drive at regular speed). I was very unimpressed, but in retrospect, that probably was a mistake. We did get to look at it, but I have no pictures -- and it's going on 20 years ago, so I don't recall any specifics. I regret not buying one, but if the new Polish version is released, I won't make that mistake again. -Larry

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