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TROGBlog - The Battle of Midway v0.13


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After another 12 hours of development, here's version 0.13:




tbom11.asm 6/15/06

- Added machine gun sound, multiplexed in with engine and bomb sounds.

- Fixed bullet code to prevent Gorf-style bullet retrieval.


tbom12.asm 6/16/06

- Added gun overheat. If the machine gun is fired continuously without allowing time to cool, the gun will overheat. If the gun overheats, it will be inoperable for 4 seconds while it cools down.

- Bomb can now be dropped to the left or the right.

- The vertical momentum of the plane is now translated to the bomb. i.e., if the plane is flying downward, the initial falling speed of the bomb will be faster. This only works in the downward direction. Upward still needs to be implemented.

- The bomb cannot be released at sharp upward and downward angles.


tbom13.asm 6/17/06

- Rewrote the kernel for the bottom of the screen. It uses mirrored background to simplify the kernel, although it requires strict kernel timing. The kernel can now display the bomb in the ship area.

- Moved the ship into RAM so holes can be blown in it.

- Added a large mess of code to detect bomb-to-ship collisions and map the bomb coordinates to the correct bit in the ship RAM.

- You can now bomb holes in the ship!

- Added bomb explosion sound FX.


Known Issues:

- The bomb loops strangely when dropped near the left side of the screen. (Some kind of boundary condition error I'm sure.)

- There's an HMOVE bar in the upper left side of the screen. It's coming from the horizontal positioning code. I need to move this up higher in the vblank.



- Add the aircraft carrier Akagi.

- Add sprite collisions (missle to plane, plane to plane, bomb to plane)

- Add shot down plane effects. This is going to be cool. ;)


Development Notes

The bomb-to-ship collision code was unexpectly convoluted, and required a good 3 hours of debug. But it appears to be working correctly. If you download the source, check it out.



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