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TROGBlog - The Battle of Midway v0.15


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- Added Akagi aircraft carrier. The left difficulty switch determines which ship is displayed. A=Yamato B=Akagi. Press reset to see the selected ship.

- Fixed bomb loop error. When the bomb is droped, an offset is added to the X position. On the right side of the screen, this can result in a value larger than 160. I was checking for X=160 to wrap. Now I'm checking for X>=160.

- Multiplexed machinegun fire in with explosion sounds.

- Added shorter and higher pitched explosion for plane impact.

- Added moveable object collision detection.

- Added player plane crash routine when the player collides with the enemy plane or AA fire.

- Added splash sound when bomb lands in the ocean.



- Added title music. :D

- Started using the random number engine. The ship's AA fire now fires from a random location on the ship.


Known Issues:

- There's an HMOVE bar in the upper left side of the screen. It's coming from the horizontal positioning code. I need to move this up higher in the vblank.

- The title music mode is preliminary. If you drop a bomb in the middle of the music, it will stop the music. When the game is finished, you won't be able to control the plane during attract mode, which is when the music plays.



Add the aircraft carrier Akagi.

Add sprite collisions (missle to plane, plane to plane, bomb to plane)

Add shot down plane effects.

- Add score display

- Add replicated sprites for enemy plane squadrons.


Development Notes:

The title music is an adaptation of the title music from the movie Patton. General Patton was not involved in the battle of Midway. I just like the music. ;)


I spent an unually long time working on the splash sound. I'm still not happy with it. The Atari white noise generator has a flange that doesn't sound right for a splash sound effect. If anyone as a suggestion for a better sound, I'm all ears.



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