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Famicoman's Blog - Pandora - Riding the Free Wave


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So, you like music. Are you, however, really picky when it comes to music? Well, my friend, let me introduce you to Pandora. No, not the mythical bot that ill end the world...Well...it might be a box that can end the worl, but that isn't the point. Pandora is a java based music applet that could be for you.


If you are like me, its hard to find new music. I listen to Classic Rock. There really isn't alot more coming out in that genre because of the time period which it was produced, but, if you are like me, you only really listened to mainstream music. Now, with Pandora, you can find new music that you will enjoy, and listen to it for free.


How does it work, you ask? Well, you go to the main site, sign up through the interface, and start selecting music. You make different "stations" by making a station out of one song/ artist, and adding more to them. So, lets say I made a station with Queen. Now I can add in bands, like The Clash, or songs, like "Song 2" from Blur. This is where the cool factor gets raised up a notch. Pandora takes the imputed songs or artists and then compares them. Down to every last detail. Then, Pandora finds what you like in common, and gives you new songs according to those parameters. From there, you can choose if you like the song, dislike it, never want to hear it again, or go and buy the album.


So, what are you waiting for? Get your hybridiztion of tunes on!






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