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atari2600land's Blog - Non-games


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There's been some pretty weird programs for video game systems that aren't games. Take Nintendo's Electroplankton, Animal Crossing, and Nintendogs. The tireless bAtari 2600 BASIC programmers have been cooking up some as well, like "Atari OS" and batari's calculator. I threw my hat in the ring and made a timer. What practical use a timer for an Atari 2600 could have is beyond me. I'm also working on a multiplication table, which I'm having difficulty with (unless the answer to every multiplication problem is 62), and I'm also making a new non-game and am launching a new genre of non-games called "art" or, to be clever "Artari." The first of these is one I'm working on called "Sunday Drive" which consists of a car driving down the street. You can make the car go on the left or right side, honk the horn, or turn the motor noise on or off. I don't know how the reception of these so-called "non-games" will turn out on the Atari 2600, but one thing is for certain: If you're looking for different uses for your VCS, it took 30 years, but they're here.



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