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Is anyone a Brak Show fan? In the sitcom-style Brak Show (not the variety show special), Brak and Zorak are playing Headkicker, an Atari-2600-type game. I put a screenshot of the actual game they were playing in the show, and a .bin file of my version with way fewer graphics. Apparently, all you do is kick someone in the head. I know it's kind of boring, but I just did this cuz I was bored (and I want to know how many Brak/Space Ghost fans are out there.)



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Right. But you must know that translating in other languages isn't always accurate, too many reasons maybe. Now thanks to you for the feedback :) I.E. in this episode the game was called "cortacabezas" ("head choppers") not "headkicker".

Will you do any further update to this game?

Edited by Nabuko78
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Right. But you must know that translating in other languages isn't always accurate, too many reasons maybe. Now thanks to you for the feedback :) I.E. in this episode the game was called "cortacabezas" ("head choppers") not "headkicker".

Will you do any further update to this game?

If I can get batari Basic 0.99 understood, I'll add some more colors to the sprites and make a cool colored background.

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I have a problem. Here's the code so far. I modified it to this:

10 set smartbranching on
15 set kernel_options no_blank_lines pfcolors
20 COLUP1=196 : COLUP0=64 : COLUBK=0 : COLUPF=32
30 pfhline 0 10 31 on
40 player1:
50 player0:
52 pfcolors:

55 NUSIZ0=$07 : NUSIZ1=$07
60 player0x=80 : player0y=80 : player1x=42 : player1y=80 : score=0

70 AUDV0=0
75 drawscreen
80 if joy0fire then goto 100
90 goto 20
100 AUDV0=8 : AUDC0=7 : AUDF0=11
110 player1:
115 NUSIZ1=$07 : NUSIZ0=$07
120 player1x=50 : player1y=80 : player0x=80 : player0y=80 : COLUP0 = 64 : COLUP1=196

130 goto 75

and when I go to compile it, it says this:


Why would it say that if I don't have any label mismatching? And what is scorepointerset? All I want to do is to have the playfield be different backgrounds. I was just putting in random numbers in line 52 to see if it worked, but something's wrong.

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Why would it say that if I don't have any label mismatching? And what is scorepointerset? All I want to do is to have the playfield be different backgrounds. I was just putting in random numbers in line 52 to see if it worked, but something's wrong.

That code compiles fine for me. scorepointerset is in std_overscan.asm, so I'd check to see if that file is missing, corrupted or outdated.

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I just re-downloaded the 0.99 patch and compiled it and it still didn't work. Is std_overscan.asm in the patch? It's not missing cuz it's there, but how would I know if it's corrupted or outdated? Geez, I hate computers. Can I have a screenshot of what I'm missing?

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  • 4 months later...

Sorry to bring this forum back from the dead, but I was just watching that episode of the Brak Show again, and I thought "I could make a better version of the one I posted here." So, here's a better version of Headkicker.



Edited by atari2600land
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