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Kung Food


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I don't ever remember playing a brilliant NES fighter, Double Dragon 2 would have been without those stupid little sub-levels they loved to put in Nintendo games. Most NES arcade conversions were ruined by not translating the original game just doing a NES re-hash. Ninja Gaiden is the best Lynx fighter IMHO.

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  • 1 month later...

Why can't you move to the left on this game??!!! :x :x :x

I thought my Lynx was broken when I played this for the first 12 times. Later, I found out the sad truth that the game is programmed that way. Allowing radioactive food to sneak up behind the Green Giant without giving him any way to fight back is just wrong.

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Why can't you move to the left on this game??!!! :x :x :x

I thought my Lynx was broken when I played this for the first 12 times. Later, I found out the sad truth that the game is programmed that way. Allowing radioactive food to sneak up behind the Green Giant without giving him any way to fight back is just wrong.


No moving to the Left in Kung Food? You're talking crazy now; This game

would never be programmed that way. There must be something screwy

about your copy. Or some problem with your lynx when running the Kung

Food game. Because moving to the Left is an important and necessary

part of this game. Download the Handy Emulator, and the Kung Food rom

that's available on AtariAge, and you'll see that moving left is no problem.

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  • 2 years later...

Yes, I'm resurecting an old thread.


I too just got Kung Food. I have to be honest, I love this game. Not only that, but I honestly can't see not liking it. I really can't.


I managed to make myself play Super Huey 7800 until I could finish mission mode, and thus, like it a little better than most people. I can just about finish Karateka 7800, so I don't hate it. I learned all the tricks for Double Dragon 7800 so I could finish it, and really like that one. However, in all those cases, I can see, and admit, that my opinion is not common, or in line with most people's tastes. I can see that not everyone is not willing to suffer those games out long enough to derive value from them.


However, with Kung Food, were I to play it without reading reviews first, and then guess what the average response to it was, I'd assume most people thought it a strong B title. What's wrong with it exactly? I can almost finish the floor level, and I only started playing two days ago, and haven't been frustrated yet. The graphics are appealing enough (the evil tomatoes and carrot guys look particularly nice). There aren't weapons, but that's more than made up for with the fairly strategic nature of energy pick-ups (there's lots of it, lots needed, and only a certain area to use it up in). The cut scenes look nice (especially the game over one). I really don't get what makes most people dislike it. I literally am unable to understand it.

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And I just about finished the cupboard tonight (made it with a lot more men now that I've figured out the rats), and still no bad game in sight. I suggest people who wrote this one off give it another try. Put some real effort into playing it, don't think it's Double Dragon (it does away with weapons and adds strategic power-up use), and you just might find you've misjudged it all along.

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Kung Food is one game that I very much wanted to like back in the day, mainly because it looked like a well-polished Lynx game that would be good to show off to my Game Boy and Game Gear owning friends. However, the controls made it near unplayable for me, which in turn made the game much more frustrating than it should have been.


However, maybe tonight I'll give it a spin and see if my opinion has changed after not having touched it for years.

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Kung Food is one game that I very much wanted to like back in the day, mainly because it looked like a well-polished Lynx game that would be good to show off to my Game Boy and Game Gear owning friends. However, the controls made it near unplayable for me, which in turn made the game much more frustrating than it should have been.


However, maybe tonight I'll give it a spin and see if my opinion has changed after not having touched it for years.

Some hints:


Let the flies, rats, and sometimes the ice men come down to you. You hit the lower half of the ice men, not their heads.


Always crouch-kick the guys with the spears. Just get kind of close to the whole group, press down, and hold the kick button until they die. They'll always miss with their spears, and you'll kill them.


Try to kill the tomatoes before they become mutants.


Prioritize, so that you let yourself take some hits to kill the bags with the carrots (and those other things) before killing individuals. As a matter of fact, only so many enemies will spawn at once, so you can lead away the carrots and blob-men leaving the bags defenseless, then double back to kill the bags while the enemies are on the other side of the screen. Then you can safely pick enemies off in peace.


That should help.

Edited by Atarifever
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I'm ashamed to say it, but Kung Food is still the only game that I own for my Lynx. I've played nearly every game in the system's library at one time or another, but I didn't own a Lynx of my own until about a month ago. I plan on buying some more games tomorrow, though.


Anyway, Kung Food isn't a great game by any stretch of the imagination. It's worth a play, but I don't see myself ever going through it again. I beat it a few times the first week I had it, and then put it back in the box forever.

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I think it's a fun game. Not one of my favorites, mind you, but still far from the worst. I'll admit having to get perfectly aligned with an enemy to score a hit is a bit irritating. I just figure it in as part of the game's difficulty just as I do with the types and numbers of enemies encountered.

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  • 2 weeks later...

well i've read this thread and I agree with some people, but not completely. While yes, Kung Food is NOT the worst Lynx game ever, its NOWHERE near the quality of games like Ninja Gaiden, Viking Child, California games, etc etc. The worst part is the lack of any continues or a password system. I never make it past the floor level. It's a funny game and something worth showing people, but not the kind of game most of us are addicted to. I play Ninja Gaiden, Steel Talons, California games, and Warbirds A LOT more than kung food. and to the people that say Tournament Cyber Ball is worse, I agree. The graphics are good, and the sound is ok, but the lack of "running" game is a killer. If they could have improved the effectiveness of the Running backs in TCB, then it would have been a MUCH better game.

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