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TROGBlog - Hunt the Wumpus v0.01


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This is the first Atari game I ever worked on. The project was started back in October of 2003. This was far too ambitious for a first project, but now that I've gotten more kernel coding experience, I revisted the idea, rewriting the entire program from scratch.


Hunt the Wumpus is one of those games that absolutely belongs in the Atari 2600 catalog of games, and I'm amazed that it's never been implemented. The tough part is displaying the clues, which in this implementation will require 4 icons appearing on the same line. My plan is to use the 2 player graphics and 2 missles to display the 4 icons without having to fiddle with placement inside the kernel. There are dozens of ways to implement this game. The screenshot shows the implementation I've chosen.


The game will have 64 tiles in an 8 x 8 array. This will be displayed on 4 screens, 4 x 4 per screen. A more advanced version may have vertical scrolling, which would only require 2 screens. A highly advanced version could have horizontal scrolling, but I'm fairly sure that would be impossible without using Supercharger RAM. A Supercharger version with larger rooms would look sweet, similar to Advanced Dungeons and Dragons for the Intellivision.


My requirements for the current game are stringent. I don't want to have any flicker or skipped lines in the playfield graphics unless absolutely necessary.


Anyhow, this is just another background project. My main focus is still on Stellar Fortress and The Battle of Midway.



htw01.asm 07/22/06

- Displays asymetric maze in playfield graphics.

- Displays player in ball graphics.

- Added joystick control.

- Added collision detection with playfield.


To Do:

- Add clue display.

- Hide tiles that haven't been explored yet.


Known Issues:

- None



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